Thanks a lot!
Even if I dont undertand, It a good start!
The eggs a layed under a flat stone (the most off them). I'd never think that!
El Tofi will help me for the traduction.
I think it's time to spawn for my femelles.
Some pictures ASAP
Please remember that my mother tongue is French . I'll do my best!
Is anyone here heard about spawing Spatuloricaria sp?
I'm looking for a description or pictures, and the only one I fînd is a little presentation made by Glaser a few years ago...
I'm a bit worry for my own group...
First, I wish you an happy new year :D I thought first that it was C. agassizi. 6 fishes, about 5cm sl, sold as "leopard cory". They are here since 3 weeks now, all is all right but some of them look "strange" for me. They have a "little long nose".
I found a group of cory on October. Sold as Corydoras evelynae . It rapidly appears for me that it was a group of youngs Corydoras arcuatus . Some of them have the 2 strips they really look like C. arcuatus. At the same tine, 6 of them still smaller, their head is not exaclty the same (more ...
Sacree bestiole dis donc :shock: . Ton vendeur est dans le vrai si j'en crois ce qui est dit sur la fiche d'identite signee "palnetcatfish" de ton poisson. Le plus surprenant est son origine, la cote pacifique. Effectivement, plus le ...
Do you think it's possible too keep theses to fishes in the same tank? I know that L34 is a very shy fish, it's difficult to feed it, etc... I also have a group of L46 (6, about 3 years), I would like to keep Ancistrus ranunculus or Ancistrus sp(l255) ... They seem to come from the same type ...
@ Mats : I saw that C.ornatus comes from Tapajos. But it's not a "long noze". Very nice cory, but I'm now looking for a long noze.
@ Ian : corydorasworld is a mine of information. I have not introduce myself yet. My poor english first and my experience witch is very short comparing to other ...
I'm looking for a Corydoras from Rio Tapajos (or it's tributary). A long noze would be better .
C135 seem to be a good option, but I can't find informations about it's biotiope...
Is there somebody who got's some informations about this Corydoras?
Some news about these fishes
Now the 2 spawns are growing very fast.
I'll take a set of picts ASAP. the adults are now very dark with a multitude of small white spots.
Some picts of L213? However, it comes from Tapajos too...
I saw him this saturday, I didn't know what it was exactly but he was so beautiful... He was on a corner of the tank, just see his body shape, and the blue eyes. I ask for a person to make him moving. Whaooo... The size and the color fo his dorsal and caudal fin ... Red, orange, big ...