[Brochis] splendens or britskii

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[Brochis] splendens or britskii

Post by C-Magnier »


In your opinion?




Just for the biggest :D

I thought first that it was . But now I'm not sure...

Here, about , we can read "..../B. britskii also has a bony plate / shield that covers the white part of the underside of the head/...."

Can somebody help me, I don't see this bony plate in the pictures associated :oops:

Thank's a lot!

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Post by Silurus »

Your fish does not display the 15–18 branched rays associated with either B. britskii or B. multiradiatus. The dorsal fin-ray counts suggest B. splendens.
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Post by joern »


this looks like the specimen in my tank:
http://www.planetcatfish.com/forum/view ... hp?t=15111

I don't believe this is B.splendens...splendens has 12 rays in the dorsal fins, this species 14 to 15 ?(and that ist constant in all my 9 specimen).

I think it is a new species....somewhat in between splendens and britskii, but closer to B.splendens

Easy to keep, eats nearly everything, more colorfull than the other species of that genus...
had two spawns....behave like B.splendens...but in the community tank, nothing grew up...easy to stimulate (water change with significant drop of temp. down to 17°C)

this species a more "steep" front / fronthead than B.splendens, grows up much larger, is not as shy as B.splendens, has a short snout in comparison to B.splendens having a longer snout
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Post by Silurus »

I count only 12 branched dorsal-fin rays (the last one being divided at the base) in the first picture (which is the only one that allows a reasonably accurate count)...
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Post by joern »

joern wrote:...in comparison to B.splendens having a longer snout
looking a little more in detail...

the snout from fish pic3 looks very typical "splendens". And pic 1 has 12 ? rays in dorsal fin..
Is pic1 - 2 - 3 the same specimen ?
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Post by C-Magnier »


I had these fish in three times :

First, 3 fishes, medium sized.

Second : The Big one, sold has B.splendens

And the lastest :
8 micro-Brochis sold has Brochis sp

Here the 3 sizes together :

The question above is for the biggest one. On the third picture, he's just eating...

thank you!

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Post by Coryman »

The largest one in the pictures is in my opinion an undescribed species, I have a group of 6 of these, they are far larger than any B. splendens I have seen.

The type specimen is from the Rio Napo in Ecuador and I know of at least 4 other B. splendens types from Peru, Bolivia and Brazil. Your fish look very much like the specimens from the Madre de Dios, South East Peru.

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Post by joern »

C-Magnier wrote:Second : The Big one, sold has B.splendens
that's the type I was talking about a few posts before and in the link...
these are (were) sold her as B.britskii in 2005, but I've also seen them between typical B.splendens (spring 2006).
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Post by C-Magnier »

Hi Ian, hi Joern,

Thank's a lot for your replys.
This Brochis sp was with (I think it was this) . the same size, same color...
Now this poor Brochis sp is the only one ambassador of his specie.

too bad :(


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Post by Freshman »

Hmmm.. it doesn't look like a Corydoras pantanalensis.
aeneus, sodalis, C41, brochis

[zygatus, habrosus, pygameus, trilineatus, sterbai, paleatus, concolor, metae, napoensis]
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