this looks like the specimen in my tank:
http://www.planetcatfish.com/forum/view ... hp?t=15111
I don't believe this is B.splendens...splendens has 12 rays in the dorsal fins, this species 14 to 15 ?(and that ist constant in all my 9 specimen).
I think it is a new species....somewhat in between splendens and britskii, but closer to B.splendens
Easy to keep, eats nearly everything, more colorfull than the other species of that genus...
had two spawns....behave like B.splendens...but in the community tank, nothing grew up...easy to stimulate (water change with significant drop of temp. down to 17°C)
this species a more "steep" front / fronthead than B.splendens, grows up much larger, is not as shy as B.splendens, has a short snout in comparison to B.splendens having a longer snout