Search found 15 matches

by cichlidlife
02 Sep 2018, 00:25
Forum: Asian Catfishes
Topic: Indian Hemibagrus
Replies: 30
Views: 37782

Re: Indian Hemibagrus

Your Hemibagrus is in really good health all of my local fish stores don't have any or else they have sick, dying/dead, gasping and treading water Hemibagrus. too bad they are never healthy where i live. :YMSIGH:
by cichlidlife
02 Sep 2018, 00:19
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Prazipro in synodontis nigriventris
Replies: 4
Views: 4324

Re: Prazipro in synodontis nigriventris

I would say to start slowly adding some prazipro little at a time and then slowly build up the dosage to the recommended amount and your syno should be find because you are building up the dosage gradually and not adding a new substance in a decent amount all at once. the syno will most likely be ...
by cichlidlife
02 Sep 2018, 00:12
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: Help! Does anyone know what this is?
Replies: 8
Views: 3130

Re: Help! Does anyone know what this is?

is the white spot on the eye still there or not because if it isn't then it may of been caused by the corydora's response to the parasites or something in the water caused by the parasites.
by cichlidlife
01 Sep 2018, 15:41
Forum: Other Catfishes
Topic: Newbie here - Catfish Walmart Rescue
Replies: 12
Views: 30673

Re: Newbie here - Catfish Walmart Rescue

Synodontis petricolas come from one of the three major rift lakes found in Africa (lake Tanganyika) and the ph stays around 7.9 to 8.3.
by cichlidlife
01 Sep 2018, 02:34
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Female albino longfin bristlenose
Replies: 4
Views: 1126

Re: Female albino longfin bristlenose

The first picture of the male is really well captured and both the male and female seem to be well groomed.
by cichlidlife
01 Sep 2018, 02:31
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Tips on how to separate fries
Replies: 10
Views: 2287

Re: Tips on how to separate fries

By the way the plural form of the word fry (as in the young fish) is fry, not fries.
by cichlidlife
01 Sep 2018, 02:28
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Albino Bristlenose and Lemon Blue eye Bn in same tank?
Replies: 3
Views: 1307

Re: Albino Bristlenose and Lemon Blue eye Bn in same tank?

Any BN pleco that is mature can breed with a different species of BNs if present in their surrounding environment.
by cichlidlife
01 Sep 2018, 02:21
Forum: Other Catfishes
Topic: Newbie here - Catfish Walmart Rescue
Replies: 12
Views: 30673

Re: Newbie here - Catfish Walmart Rescue

Synodontis come from Africa and prefer a higher ph than your angels do. I have never herd of synodontis living with south american fish in an aquarium before. What is the ph, because if the ph is lower than 7.3 then the synos wont do so well. Same for your angels if the ph is above 7.7 then the ...
by cichlidlife
01 Sep 2018, 02:08
Forum: Other Catfishes
Topic: HELP!!
Replies: 3
Views: 24476

Re: HELP!!

IT looks like to me that you have either a Synodontis Eupterus or a hybrid of it and something else.
by cichlidlife
01 Sep 2018, 02:01
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: Panda Cories
Replies: 9
Views: 3723

Re: Panda Cories

i have heard that pandas and skunks are a little more sensitive to water parameters and diseases than other corys generally are.
by cichlidlife
01 Sep 2018, 01:55
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: breeding conditions for Elegans Corys
Replies: 1
Views: 1256

Re: breeding conditions for Elegans Corys

You should take a look at the elegans corys and determine if they have two main different types of patterns on their bodies because females have black along the side of the body while males have a sort of speckled stripe down the back. Elegans are one of very few species of corys where males and ...
by cichlidlife
01 Sep 2018, 01:51
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: Sick Albino Cory Catfish
Replies: 1
Views: 1263

Re: Sick Albino Cory Catfish

it may be an ammonia poisoning but i am not sure. whatever it is a similar thing happened to my blue-eyed pleco today. when i came home today i did my regular routine: i go wash my hands off and i feed my fish. That is when i noticed that a big swollen blood like red bruise under the left eye of my ...
by cichlidlife
01 Sep 2018, 00:57
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: help me sex this Bristlenose please
Replies: 3
Views: 1236

Re: help me sex this Bristlenose please

It is definitively a male because of its bristles. Also if you look behind the eyes you will see a reddish area and that is the heart of the bn pleco. males will show the heart behind the eyes while any females will not have a noticeable reddish area at all.
by cichlidlife
01 Sep 2018, 00:42
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: Albino short fin Bristlenose
Replies: 7
Views: 1797

Re: Albino short fin Bristlenose

I agree all photos contain males and both seem to be sexually matured.
by cichlidlife
01 Sep 2018, 00:33
Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
Topic: any way to sex 1 inch Bristlenose ?
Replies: 4
Views: 1489

Re: any way to sex 1 inch Bristlenose ?

With albinos i know that the males have a noticeable reddish area behind the eyes which is their heart and females don't show any signs of that reddish area at all. With smaller BN plecos this is not a definitive way to sex them though. Super reds and common BNs don't visibly have the reddish area ...

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