Prazipro in synodontis nigriventris

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Prazipro in synodontis nigriventris

Post by astrid37 »

Hi All,

I have 6 S. nigriventris in with some puffer fish, and I need to treat the puffers for internal parasites. I'm going to start with Prazipro dosed either in the tank water as suggested or in the puffers' food. Either way, the upside-down catfish will be exposed. Will this be harmful for them?

Thanks very much,
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Re: Prazipro in synodontis nigriventris

Post by naturalart »

Syno's are pretty tough. I've never used Prazipro but your S. nigriventris are scaleless like your puffers so I would be very vigilant and cautious.
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Re: Prazipro in synodontis nigriventris

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

I've used Praziquantel on various synos, including nigriventris, many times without any issues via feed and via tank water as in the long term bath. I used generally recommended dosages.

Because praziquantel is largely water insoluble, PraziPro contains some sort of organic solvent of alcohol or ether type, if memory serves. That may make the PraziPro application different.
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Re: Prazipro in synodontis nigriventris

Post by TwoTankAmin »

Some meds must be fed, others must go into the water and some can work either way. The choice of medications is first and foremost based on it effectiveness against the specific problem being treated. However, the second most important consideration is how a parasite or disease spreads. If it spreads because it is waterborne, then one normally has to treat the whole tank. Ich is a prime example of this. But some problems are best treated with ingested medicationsm or with a dip.

My experience has been most of the anti-worming and anti-internal parasite meds are pretty benign compared to other meds. while I have PraziPro, I find I more often use the following: Metronidazole, Flubendazole and Levamisole HCL. I also use Quick Cure for ich and it works for other protozoan parasites.

Meds are always a difficult issue for us in the hobby. We often must guess at the cause of what we want to treat and then, depending on where in the world we live, medications may or may not be available. Moreover, there are more different treatments out there than there are things that need treating. I have an Ich study bookmarked that looked at almost 100 treatments when one factors in the differing ways to administer them: in the water, in the food, as a dip or even injected.

Here is the Hikari site for PraziPro. It should answer most questions about the dosages and methods for use. ... /prazipro/
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Re: Prazipro in synodontis nigriventris

Post by cichlidlife »

I would say to start slowly adding some prazipro little at a time and then slowly build up the dosage to the recommended amount and your syno should be find because you are building up the dosage gradually and not adding a new substance in a decent amount all at once. the syno will most likely be just find if you do it gradually. just for those who are reading this article to know if it is alright to do so even if it is after the conversation ended.
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