All posts regarding the care and breeding of catfishes from other parts of the world (North America, Europe and Australia). If you don't know where your catfish is from, post a query in the identification category.
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Post by Gillian11 »

Hey everyone!

Sorry this is my first post and don't really know what I'm doing :/

My angelicus catfish is starting to turn white :( please can you help me figure out why??

He is in a temporary holding tank that was properly established that is 56 gallons. He's with live plants, hiding places, filter, heater water is good. He was with my oscar in the bigger tank but when I found bite marks and scratches on my oscar I decided to separate them. He has been with me for 5 months now and it just started...please help!
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Re: HELP!!

Post by Jools »

This isn't , it's a related species, probably . I can't really tell from the picture but this could be a bite or a heater burn. You may also wish to research lateral line erosion.


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Re: HELP!!

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

What are your water parameters and how are they measured, with what test kit?

I'd guess this is a hybrid synodontis but this is immaterial to your situation.
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Re: HELP!!

Post by cichlidlife »

IT looks like to me that you have either a Synodontis Eupterus or a hybrid of it and something else.
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