Search found 20 matches

by Cento
20 Feb 2013, 01:35
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: Is this fry a catfish?...
Replies: 3
Views: 869

Re: Is this fry a catfish?...

Thanks for conformations... Will take appropriate action... Just as soon as I decide what that is. ;)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
by Cento
19 Feb 2013, 22:13
Forum: What is my catfish?
Topic: Is this fry a catfish?...
Replies: 3
Views: 869

Is this fry a catfish?...

So, I found this fry crawling around in my pre-canister canister (like a prefilter sort of). This is from my shrimp tank of about 2 dozen shrimp, 6 celsitial pearl danios, and 2 otos (not sure of species, but one of the everyday common variety found at Big Al's or some LFS in North America).

So the ...
by Cento
06 Sep 2010, 04:57
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: Can Panda's help with removing planeria/thin-white worms???
Replies: 2
Views: 807

Can Panda's help with removing planeria/thin-white worms???

So, I have a 10gal planted tank with 6 Panda corys and 8 shrimp (5 amano and 3 RCS). Now, I've been having an every-so-slowly increasing pandemic of those hair-thin white worms that occasionally swim into the water column and even a planeria (flatter, stubbier, beige worm) here and there.

I've ...
by Cento
04 May 2010, 21:56
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: Can panda's be kept successfully in 80F temp?
Replies: 4
Views: 1367

Re: Can panda's be kept successfully in 80F temp?

As long as the temperature is no more than about 80'F, you are probably OK for some short period (like a few weeks), but the ideal temperature is probably more like 75'F.

Any chance you can lift the lights up a bit, or some such, to reduce the heat buildup in the tank - or swap them for something ...
by Cento
04 May 2010, 21:36
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: Can panda's be kept successfully in 80F temp?
Replies: 4
Views: 1367

Can panda's be kept successfully in 80F temp?

I just bought a couple of panda cory's for my 10gal planted. I haven't had this one setup too long, and this will be the tanks first summer. Already, even with the heater unplugged, the temp has reached 80F!!

Granted, the air-conditioners haven't been turned on (I live in an apartment where the ...
by Cento
08 Apr 2010, 22:42
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: Suitable cat for small SA biotope?
Replies: 10
Views: 1465

Re: Suitable cat for small SA biotope?

Sorry to drag this one out of the dungeon again, but now that the last of my fry are out of the growout tank, I'm almost done with the "planning" stage of my first planted tank, and I wanted to start ordering fish.

In the time that has past since the last post, I've been doing copious amounts of ...
by Cento
24 Feb 2010, 14:43
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Can phyllonemus typus be kept with synodontis multi?
Replies: 9
Views: 1537

Re: Can phyllonemus typus be kept with synodontis multi?

DJRansome wrote:...I can't imagine it being roomy enough for a group of multipunctatus AND a another territorial cat...

Yeah, upon further consideration, I've come to the decision that I'll have to chose one or the other... Its a hard choice. I DO love my syno multi's.... :cry:
by Cento
18 Feb 2010, 19:07
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: Suitable cat for small SA biotope?
Replies: 10
Views: 1465

Re: Suitable cat for small SA biotope?

Directly or indirectly or both, in a strict sense this is wrong... Any fish kept in the same tank as another fish does have an effect.

Thanks for the tip Richard. I agree, I guess I just never thought about it that way. Makes sense when you think about it. As wrasse mentioned, I may try more ...
by Cento
18 Feb 2010, 18:44
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: Suitable cat for small SA biotope?
Replies: 10
Views: 1465

Re: Suitable cat for small SA biotope?

As you are still 'planning' your set-up, may i suggest you go SA the whole hog.....And when anyone asks, you can say, well erm actually its a genuine SA biotope. :D

:lol: True... It would be nice to go the whole nine yards on the tank, but unfortunately I can't when it comes to the plants (you ...
by Cento
18 Feb 2010, 17:06
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: local catfish retailers?
Replies: 4
Views: 637

Re: local catfish retailers?

Hey Mats,

Sorry... I replied here before I read my other post where you touched on the LFS issue. I hear what you're saying about "area" being relative. Also what you mentioned in that thread about "mom & pop" shops, and their wholesalers makes total sense. I've also found what you said about ...
by Cento
18 Feb 2010, 16:56
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: Suitable cat for small SA biotope?
Replies: 10
Views: 1465

Re: Suitable cat for small SA biotope?

Are you keeping strictly to a SA biotope?...... the white clouds are from China.

True... I was told though, that they would serve as excellent dither fish for the apistos and are very unobtrusive, contributing to the peace of the tank... But I'm open to suggestions on the dither fish. I gather ...
by Cento
18 Feb 2010, 16:38
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: local catfish retailers?
Replies: 4
Views: 637

Re: local catfish retailers?

Thanks for the reply Mats.

I guess I prematurely asked the question, since I'm not entirely sure what cory I'm looking into. In another post, I'm trying to find out what cat would be suitable for a setup I'm planning in a 10gal. It'll be South American, and obviously I was looking for a small ...
by Cento
18 Feb 2010, 14:31
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Can phyllonemus typus be kept with synodontis multi?
Replies: 9
Views: 1537

Re: Can phyllonemus typus be kept with synodontis multi?

...Also what is the footprint of your tank, is it only 12 inch front to back or 18 inches, the wider would be better for the typus as they can get quite competitive over territories to the point of killing each other off depending on how the tank is set up for cover....

Unfortunately, its the ...
by Cento
18 Feb 2010, 14:23
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: local catfish retailers?
Replies: 4
Views: 637

local catfish retailers?


Sorry, but I'm new to this forum, and in other forums I'm on, there are specific areas where these questions are posted; I couldn't find such an area here, so I'm sorry if I've broken a rule... :oops:

That being said, my question is, are there any members here from the Greater Toronto ...
by Cento
18 Feb 2010, 14:07
Forum: South American Catfishes (Callichthyidae - Corys et al)
Topic: Suitable cat for small SA biotope?
Replies: 10
Views: 1465

Suitable cat for small SA biotope?

So, I am in the planning stages of converting my growout tank into a SA biotope. Its a 10gal with Black Tahitian Moon sand, some river rocks, a few larger decorative rocks, 2 Duetto 100's (two were needed for growout bioload, but it may be overkill for SA), and also in the near future there will be ...
by Cento
18 Feb 2010, 02:06
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Can phyllonemus typus be kept with synodontis multi?
Replies: 9
Views: 1537

Re: Can phyllonemus typus be kept with synodontis multi?

..I would worry more about the c*****ds, if they are teritorial they may dislike the P.typus...what kind are they?

I have around 8 pseudotropheus saulosi and the said 3 syno-multi. The multis seem to hold their own quite well with these dwarf cichlids.

I wonder if 3 or 4 of the p.typus + the ...
by Cento
17 Feb 2010, 21:25
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Best Sicklid site?
Replies: 15
Views: 2538

Re: Best Sicklid site?

RickE wrote:Lambasted... That's a good word which is not used nearly enough!
And they all scoffed at my "word of the day" calendar... Who's scoffing NOW! :cry:

Thanks for the FAQ tip... I get it now.. Thanks for not hazing me! :mrgreen:
by Cento
17 Feb 2010, 15:43
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Can phyllonemus typus be kept with synodontis multi?
Replies: 9
Views: 1537

Re: Can phyllonemus typus be kept with synodontis multi?

Okay... good to know.

Thanks for the reply! :D
by Cento
17 Feb 2010, 15:40
Forum: Speak Easy
Topic: Best Sicklid site?
Replies: 15
Views: 2538

Re: Best Sicklid site?

I second as great cichlid site......

Ummmm... I hope i won't get lambasted on this, but... why is the word cichlid censored? :?: Is it some sort of inside joke...? :ohyeah: :oops:

Its my first day... go easy! :an:
by Cento
17 Feb 2010, 14:59
Forum: African Catfishes
Topic: Can phyllonemus typus be kept with synodontis multi?
Replies: 9
Views: 1537

Can phyllonemus typus be kept with synodontis multi?

First off, I'd like to say Hello to everyone. I'm new here (but not to fishkeeping) and have been enjoying this site recently, so I decided to join in... :D

I was just informed that my LFS can order phyllonemus if I requested. I have a 38gal with a few small cichlids and 3 syno-multi's that are ...

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