Can Panda's help with removing planeria/thin-white worms???

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Can Panda's help with removing planeria/thin-white worms???

Post by Cento »

So, I have a 10gal planted tank with 6 Panda corys and 8 shrimp (5 amano and 3 RCS). Now, I've been having an every-so-slowly increasing pandemic of those hair-thin white worms that occasionally swim into the water column and even a planeria (flatter, stubbier, beige worm) here and there.

I've been told that small schooling fish such as dwarf rasboras will help keep these creatures in check, but I'm trying to keep my bioload down. So if I can, I'd like to avoid adding more fish.

Can/do panda corys's eat these creatures?
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Re: Can Panda's help with removing planeria/thin-white worms

Post by Silurus »

The Corydoras are unlikely to eat the planarians (or the worms).

There's some advice on getting rid of these without the use of fish here.
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Re: Can Panda's help with removing planeria/thin-white worms

Post by Ozcattie »

Yes, that thread is great!!
I just did like most people said, clean the detritus material out, clean filters, FEED LESS!!! :thumbsup:
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