Is this fry a catfish?...

Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
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Is this fry a catfish?...

Post by Cento »

So, I found this fry crawling around in my pre-canister canister (like a prefilter sort of). This is from my shrimp tank of about 2 dozen shrimp, 6 celsitial pearl danios, and 2 otos (not sure of species, but one of the everyday common variety found at Big Al's or some LFS in North America).

So the question is, can you at the very least tell me if it came from my oto or my CPD, based on body shape, likelihood of my two sole otos being male and female and breeding VS my 6 CPDs breeding, and movement behaviour (somewhat stationary)...

here are the pics...
2013-02-19 16.33.02.jpg
2013-02-19 16.23.55.jpg
2013-02-19 10.27.01.jpg
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Re: Is this fry a catfish?...

Post by Silurus »

This doesn't look like oto fry to me. It agrees with other CPD fry photos on the internet.
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Re: Is this fry a catfish?...

Post by Acanthicus »

For sure no Otocinclus, but CPD.
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Re: Is this fry a catfish?...

Post by Cento »

Thanks for conformations... Will take appropriate action... Just as soon as I decide what that is. ;)

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