Search found 87 matches
- 08 Oct 2015, 16:12
- Forum: African Catfishes
- Topic: New Auchenoglanis species??
- Replies: 39
- Views: 14688
Re: New Auchenoglanis species??
Hi Victor. It has been awhile since posting about Auchenoglanis sp . "Bouche". My specimen is only about 16 to 17 inches total length. I have cut back on feeding it only 2 times per week, so it will not grow so quickly. Right now, I just do not have the space to encourage it to grow larger. It is ...
- 23 Oct 2012, 07:16
- Forum: South American Catfishes (Everything else)
- Topic: Xyliphius melanopterus Spawning Behavior?
- Replies: 0
- Views: 671
Xyliphius melanopterus Spawning Behavior?
Just got in 7 sub-adult Xyliphius melanopterus from Rehoboth Aquatics today, ranging in length from 6 to 7 cm total length. All individuals were shipped well and arrived in mint condition. I understand that they can reach approx. 7 inches (17 cm) total length.
Might anyone have any info on the ...
Might anyone have any info on the ...
- 31 Jul 2012, 00:53
- Forum: Taxonomy & Science News
- Topic: Mekong fish atlas
- Replies: 6
- Views: 2393
Re: Mekong fish atlas
I just recieved my copy of Fishes Of The Greater Mekong Ecosystem With Species List And Photographic Atlas . 8 1/2" by 11 " and approx. 5/8" thick. An interesting soft cover book with 2,541 color photographs of fresh, brackish, and marine fishes found within the greater Mekong River, its extensive ...
- 20 Apr 2012, 01:04
- Forum: Taxonomy & Science News
- Topic: Revision of Tanganikallabes
- Replies: 12
- Views: 3544
Re: Revision of Tanganikallabes
Hi Birger
Might I obtain a copy from you as well? Many thanks in advance!
Might I obtain a copy from you as well? Many thanks in advance!
- 09 Mar 2012, 01:36
- Forum: African Catfishes
- Topic: New Auchenoglanis species??
- Replies: 39
- Views: 14688
Re: New Auchenoglanis species??
Yes, the weather in north America has been quite screwy this past winter. Two weeks ago, the temp reached 88 F for two days, then plummeted to the upper 50s in the day time. Night time for us has been about the mid 30s, which for us, is rather cold. I know many people reading this who come from ...
- 08 Mar 2012, 15:18
- Forum: African Catfishes
- Topic: New Auchenoglanis species??
- Replies: 39
- Views: 14688
Re: New Auchenoglanis species??
We had a parcicularly cold winter for southern California, that came very early for us, approx. the end of October. This caused the water temp in its aquarium to go down to the mid 70s (aquarium is in the garage) and along with that, less food intake.
I am looking forward to seeing it eat more ...
I am looking forward to seeing it eat more ...
- 04 Mar 2012, 16:06
- Forum: African Catfishes
- Topic: New Auchenoglanis species??
- Replies: 39
- Views: 14688
Re: New Auchenoglanis species??
Thanks for your observations, Sidguppy.
From a behavioral note: The larger it grows, the more it seems to come out into the open, although currently it is still somewhat skittish when I approach the aquarium. I am looking forward to being able to train it to eat from my hand someday.
From a behavioral note: The larger it grows, the more it seems to come out into the open, although currently it is still somewhat skittish when I approach the aquarium. I am looking forward to being able to train it to eat from my hand someday.
- 04 Mar 2012, 15:52
- Forum: African Catfishes
- Topic: New Auchenoglanis species??
- Replies: 39
- Views: 14688
Re: New Auchenoglanis species??
Photos this species in various stages of grow are listed as Auchenoglanis cf. occidentalis in the catfish catalog.
Hi Jools, feel free to add these two images to the catalog at your convenience.
Hi Jools, feel free to add these two images to the catalog at your convenience.
- 04 Mar 2012, 04:41
- Forum: African Catfishes
- Topic: New Auchenoglanis species??
- Replies: 39
- Views: 14688
Re: New Auchenoglanis species??
Well, time for an update. This Auchenoglanis has really slowed down growing, as it is now approx. 28 cm total length. Also, including a photo of the mouth. Does anyone know what the two wart-like structures are on the uppter lip?
- 01 Dec 2011, 00:11
- Forum: What is my catfish?
- Topic: Which species of Electric Catfish is this?
- Replies: 17
- Views: 5068
Re: Which species of Electric Catfish is this?
Hi Reteos
It is really too small to make an educated/accurate guess. How large is it now, and might you be able to post additional photos over the coming months as it grows larger? Perhaps at a larger size will it be easier to ID it.
It is really too small to make an educated/accurate guess. How large is it now, and might you be able to post additional photos over the coming months as it grows larger? Perhaps at a larger size will it be easier to ID it.
- 11 Nov 2011, 15:59
- Forum: African Catfishes
- Topic: What to do, what to do?
- Replies: 15
- Views: 2479
Re: What to do, what to do?
Hi Unblinded:
If I may - the revised edition of the Brichard book, published in 1989, is not a very good book on Lake Tanganyikan cichlids, at least when it comes to covering the species properly, accurately and up to date. The info from the first half of the book is the most interesting. Also ...
If I may - the revised edition of the Brichard book, published in 1989, is not a very good book on Lake Tanganyikan cichlids, at least when it comes to covering the species properly, accurately and up to date. The info from the first half of the book is the most interesting. Also ...
- 09 Sep 2011, 17:22
- Forum: What is my catfish?
- Topic: Pleco ID from Uruguay Needed
- Replies: 7
- Views: 1810
Re: Pleco ID from Uruguay Needed
Julian - feel free to add this image to Planetcatfish at your leisure.
- 08 Sep 2011, 18:49
- Forum: What is my catfish?
- Topic: Pleco ID from Uruguay Needed
- Replies: 7
- Views: 1810
Re: Pleco ID from Uruguay Needed
The total length of this particular specimen is approx. 14 cm.
- 07 Sep 2011, 22:19
- Forum: What is my catfish?
- Topic: Pleco ID from Uruguay Needed
- Replies: 7
- Views: 1810
Re: Pleco ID from Uruguay Needed
Thanks Julian! I find it to be one of the nicer loricariids from Uruguay.
- 07 Sep 2011, 21:38
- Forum: What is my catfish?
- Topic: Pleco ID from Uruguay Needed
- Replies: 7
- Views: 1810
Pleco ID from Uruguay Needed
Can anyone Id this pleco that hails from Uruguay? It was intially caught by Felipe Cantera and given to John Niemans, who then brought it back to California. I would be more than happy if a genus name could be assigned to it with confidence.
- 23 Aug 2011, 05:00
- Forum: What is my catfish?
- Topic: What is this not wavy lined Hypancistrus?
- Replies: 16
- Views: 3664
Re: What is this not wavy lined Hypancistrus?
Approx. 6.5 cm total length.
- 22 Aug 2011, 03:05
- Forum: What is my catfish?
- Topic: What is this not wavy lined Hypancistrus?
- Replies: 16
- Views: 3664
Re: What is this not wavy lined Hypancistrus?
Doesn't have thicker, more irregular vertical barring than in this species?
- 28 Jul 2011, 03:07
- Forum: What is my catfish?
- Topic: What is this flatter pleco?
- Replies: 8
- Views: 2017
Re: What is this flatter pleco?
The head is shallower and more in line with L252, and the fright pattern consists of 5 vertical bars along the body, again similar to that in L252.
- 26 Jul 2011, 15:50
- Forum: What is my catfish?
- Topic: What is this flatter pleco?
- Replies: 8
- Views: 2017
Re: What is this flatter pleco?
Also, it was approx. 7 cm total length.
- 25 Jul 2011, 16:11
- Forum: African Catfishes
- Topic: New Auchenoglanis species??
- Replies: 39
- Views: 14688
Re: New Auchenoglanis species??
I have kept the water temp higher than normal, at approx. 83 to 84 degrees F, as well as feeding it twice daily, along with 70% water changes weekly. This has likely contributed to its rapid growth.
- 24 Jul 2011, 16:04
- Forum: African Catfishes
- Topic: New Auchenoglanis species??
- Replies: 39
- Views: 14688
Re: New Auchenoglanis species??
Well gentlemen, if we are going to keep our fish, we must do it properly. We got to love our cats! Or, rather it is "love me, love my Auchenoglanis!"
- 24 Jul 2011, 15:38
- Forum: African Catfishes
- Topic: New Auchenoglanis species??
- Replies: 39
- Views: 14688
Re: New Auchenoglanis species??
Hi Sidguppy, interesting observation. It would be nice if it doesn't get too large, as I would like to keep it longterm.
Please feel free to give examples that contradict my assumption - that catfish do not grow quickly to their full adult size, but that rather slow down well before reaching the ...
Please feel free to give examples that contradict my assumption - that catfish do not grow quickly to their full adult size, but that rather slow down well before reaching the ...
- 24 Jul 2011, 04:03
- Forum: African Catfishes
- Topic: New Auchenoglanis species??
- Replies: 39
- Views: 14688
Re: New Auchenoglanis species??
Here it is at approx. 25 cm total length.
- 07 Jun 2011, 03:24
- Forum: African Catfishes
- Topic: synodontis pardalis and robertsi... price?
- Replies: 9
- Views: 2013
Re: synodontis pardalis and robertsi... price?
Synodontis pardalis seems to be expensive whenever it comes in. I have seen prices anywhere from $90 to $150 each, and more on Oliver Lucanus's site. However, I just noticed on American Cichlids in Colorado, that they have 4 to 6 inch specimens for sale at $35 each. If this is true, and they have ...
- 29 May 2011, 05:39
- Forum: African Catfishes
- Topic: New Auchenoglanis species??
- Replies: 39
- Views: 14688
Re: New Auchenoglanis species??
Perhaps "armchair ichthyologist" would be a better fit, and a pretty ignernt one at that.
Not sure how how large this Auchenoglanis will grow. This is my first attempt at keeping such a fish. Don't most Auchenoglanis species attain a large size, 2 to 3 feet?? (60 to 90 cm)??
Not sure how how large this Auchenoglanis will grow. This is my first attempt at keeping such a fish. Don't most Auchenoglanis species attain a large size, 2 to 3 feet?? (60 to 90 cm)??
- 27 May 2011, 16:44
- Forum: African Catfishes
- Topic: New Auchenoglanis species??
- Replies: 39
- Views: 14688
Re: New Auchenoglanis species??
Thanks, my pleasure Viktor. It is interesting to see the morphological and chromatic changes that occur as its grows larger.
- 23 May 2011, 16:02
- Forum: African Catfishes
- Topic: New Auchenoglanis species??
- Replies: 39
- Views: 14688
Re: New Auchenoglanis species??
That, along with it not being stressed, would show a darker pattern for sure.
- 22 May 2011, 23:38
- Forum: African Catfishes
- Topic: New Auchenoglanis species??
- Replies: 39
- Views: 14688
Re: New Auchenoglanis species??
Here is the same individual at 20 cm total length as of today, 5/22/11.
- 24 Apr 2011, 16:36
- Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
- Topic: Pseudacanthicus sp. L114 breeding.
- Replies: 52
- Views: 13079
Re: Pseudacanthicus sp. L114 breeding.
I should have read the thread better - thanks Mats!
- 24 Apr 2011, 15:51
- Forum: South American Catfishes (Loricariidae - Plecos et al)
- Topic: Pseudacanthicus sp. L114 breeding.
- Replies: 52
- Views: 13079
Re: Pseudacanthicus sp. L114 breeding.
Congrats! I really appreciate the simplicity of your set-up. Might I ask how large (total length) your male and female are, and approximate age of your spawning pair??