synodontis pardalis and robertsi... price?

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synodontis pardalis and robertsi... price?

Post by wrasse »

For a while I've been thinking of setting up an African tank. Perhaps a shoal of Arnoldichthys together with a group of one species of riverine synodontis.

I haven't seen S Robertsi for many years, but I've heard S Pardalis mentioned a few times, it is perhaps more likely to appear. These are the two I'm interested in. What price in the UK would you expect to pay? I was thinking of x 6.

Have either of these appeared in the shops elsewhere?

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Re: synodontis pardalis and robertsi... price?

Post by Jools »

I was looking into S. pardalis and they're going to be spendy however Mark Smith (I think) was telling me they are quite aggressive. So, it might be affordable from the point of view of getting less than six. S. robertsi are usually around £25 - but I've not seen them for a long time.

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Re: synodontis pardalis and robertsi... price?

Post by MarkSmith »

Synodontis pardalis seems to be expensive whenever it comes in. I have seen prices anywhere from $90 to $150 each, and more on Oliver Lucanus's site. However, I just noticed on American Cichlids in Colorado, that they have 4 to 6 inch specimens for sale at $35 each. If this is true, and they have the correct fish in questions, this would be an amazingly cheap price.
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Re: synodontis pardalis and robertsi... price?

Post by racoll »

The S. robertsi I got a few years back came from Maidenhead Aquatics @ Oxford (Wheatley), and I think they got them from Neil Hardy Aquatica (Wholesalers based in Surry). Might be worth giving these wholesalers a call to see if they are at least available...
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Re: synodontis pardalis and robertsi... price?

Post by wrasse »

Thanks for the replies guys.
Knowing that the fish are true pardalis or true robertsi is also an issue... the price would indicate that I reckon.
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Re: synodontis pardalis and robertsi... price?

Post by Jools »

Yes, although neither are a species readily confused with something else.

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Re: synodontis pardalis and robertsi... price?

Post by wrasse »

I bought Matsp's 3 Syno Flavitaeniatus a couple of weeks ago, so I'm committed to building up a group of 6 to 8 of these peaceful syno's.

But a little birdie tells me that Pier have true S Pardalis in stock... :-O
And in addition, some of the newer Pelvicachromis species and killies.
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Re: synodontis pardalis and robertsi... price?

Post by N0body Of The Goat »

Hi wrasse. hope the internal 3D background bought for a bargain at the BCA meeting has settled in well and is spawning! :))

What size tank is this African setup?
What filtration and powerheads?
Besides Matsp's old group of Synodontis flavitaeniatus (I thought he had found a local friend who would "fish-sit" his community, so sale thread was cancelled), what else have you got and what have you got planned so far?

Considering those Synos love current, you could perhaps do a nice big group of midwater P. buffei who love similar conditions. Alternatively, there's Alestopetersius caudalis (but make sure you get a good sized group with at least two females per male going on my experiences last year, when my male group imploded) or another fish on my wishlist is Alestes longipinnis. Not to mention, you could start your own breeding colony of Steatocranus. \:d/

There are some attractive deals for Anubias plants on Ebay at the mo, at least in comparison to my LFSs, if you were thinking of going biotope-esque (something I hope to do at some point with my 560l, if I can find good homes for my Barilius and other Asian fish).

Speaking of which, at least one LFS to me has a singleton S. flavitaeniatus, if you are hoping to add to the group. Admittedly, Southampton is a bit of a way from you, but perhaps you may have access to some true S. decora up your way and we could meet half way to exchange fish. :-BD
Dreaming of a full-on 5x2x2 Zaire River rapids biotope...
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Re: synodontis pardalis and robertsi... price?

Post by MatsP »

I have someone fish-sitting MOST of my stock, but I also sold a few groups to various people I know...

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Re: synodontis pardalis and robertsi... price?

Post by wrasse »

Hi Mr Nobody...

These fish aren't staying in the fish room. I have a trigon190 in the house that's going African!

The in-built filter is quite good and I'll supplement that with another internal. There will be plenty of bogwood with anubias attached, plus a few other plants.

I'll build up the group to 6-8 individuals and ideally add a shoal of something showy, not sure what yet.

I'll keep a look out for your S Decora :d

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