syno and salt??
- fish2992
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syno and salt??
i have a 55 gal with mostly chiclids in it, i also have a syno. eupterus (fetherfin), and i am needing to treat one of my chiclid's with aquarium salt. i konw that most cats are intolerant to salt, but was wondering if this woudl be ok. i dont have a QT tank for the fish im needing to treat so if i cant add salt, anyother suggestions would be appreciated.
thank you
thank you
fish are friends not food
my stuff: 55gal oscar, 2 severums, firemouth, convict and a synodontis cat
my stuff: 55gal oscar, 2 severums, firemouth, convict and a synodontis cat
- Barbie
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I have found a mild case of ich in my tank and have treated the tank with about 2 - 2.5 tablespoons of salt per 5 gallons and raised the temp to 88 F without any apparent signs of stress.
My synodontis is the ornatipinnis hybrid so I'm not sure how sensitive it is relative to other synos. It's only been two days, but everything seems fine as my syno still comes out during feedings. The only difference is that my fish are more active due to the temperature increase.
My synodontis is the ornatipinnis hybrid so I'm not sure how sensitive it is relative to other synos. It's only been two days, but everything seems fine as my syno still comes out during feedings. The only difference is that my fish are more active due to the temperature increase.
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- Barbie
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Ummm... he said it had a ragged fin, nothing about ich... 86 is probably going to stress them more than help, no?
If its just looking a bit torn or frayed, try dabbing it with iodine on a swab. Just lift the fish out of the water, apply the iodine, and put him back. It will help it heal faster and prevent fungus, and not require any additions to the tank. HTH
If its just looking a bit torn or frayed, try dabbing it with iodine on a swab. Just lift the fish out of the water, apply the iodine, and put him back. It will help it heal faster and prevent fungus, and not require any additions to the tank. HTH
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sick fish remidie
now some people may flip out but i have had luck with 25%recomended treatment of coppersafe or ick gaurd 2,for scaless fish. but bausmans salt shouldnt hurt iether. raising the temp is good to and will work but i think 86 is to risky most heaters work on a set of points and sometimes theese points stick and that equals death and even the best heaters like titanium brake at wrong times.AND REAMEMBER HIGH TEMPERATURES LOWER OXYGEN CONTENT AND THAT CAN KILL THE FISH QUICK JUST GO WITH GOOD IFO LIKE THEESE BOARDS AND YOUR GUT AND COMMONSENCE AND ALWAYS READ THE LABEL AND MAKE SURE ITS OK WITH SCALLESS FIH ....I HOPE THIS HELPS AND DOESNT ADD TO THE CONFUSIONAL STATE THAT YOU MIGT BE IN .BRUCE
hello my name is bruce and i am a catfishaholic
- JimLynchAZ
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