2 Days to go

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Re: 2 Days to go

Post by MatsP »

Surely you mean 80'F (26.7'C) - not 80'C, as that would be more suitable for poaching the fish, rather than keeping them alive!

And it shows that you can breed fish in pretty hard/alkaline water, despite their natural habitat being pretty soft/acidic.

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Re: 2 Days to go

Post by har_eh »

Nice for a first attempt, great pics too :)
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Re: 2 Days to go

Post by thegeeman »

MatsP wrote:Surely you mean 80'F (26.7'C) - not 80'C, as that would be more suitable for poaching the fish, rather than keeping them alive!

And it shows that you can breed fish in pretty hard/alkaline water, despite their natural habitat being pretty soft/acidic.

Yeah sorry Mat its 80'F but you knew that :P

I did use RO/HMA mix in my old fish house but since I have moved I have just been using HMA as I havent had time to set the RO unit up. TBH I probably wont set it up now as all the other fish hypans, ancistrus, whips etc are still spawning and seem happy.


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Re: 2 Days to go

Post by rhibear »

Slightly moot point now but my experience with Cory eggs in 2 different houses with 2 very different wells may be relevant or at least interesting.
For what it's worth, it appears that eggs kept at the same temp hatch 1-2 days sooner and with more apparent ease in 5.5-6pH water than eggs in 7.8-8pH water.
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Re: 2 Days to go

Post by grokefish »

That was why I was asking, maybe the water should be a bit more 'acidic' to dissolve/help dissolve/soften the egg casings so the wee guys can get out easier?

Just a thought.
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Re: 2 Days to go

Post by thegeeman »

Good points rhibear and Grokefish.

I will get my lazy arse to set up the RO system again over the weekend. I use extract on my apisto,s to lower ph after having problems with eggs not hatching so maybe its the same/simillar thing.


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Re: 2 Days to go

Post by naturalart »

What does "HMA" stand for?
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Re: 2 Days to go

Post by MatsP »

"Heavy Metal Adsorption" - that's a fancy name for "special form of carbon filter", specially designed to adsorb heavy metals, rather than for example organic substances. I'm not sure how much of that is marketing and how much is actual difference in the structure (or other differences) of the carbon itself. The Wikipedia page on activate carbon does say some things about different processes used for different types of adsorption targets.

I suspect it's not terribly important to use a HMA filter, but it's cheaper in the long term compared to using a dechlorinator...

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Re: 2 Days to go

Post by naturalart »

Thanks again Mats.
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Re: 2 Days to go

Post by thegeeman »

Yeah pretty much what Mat said.

I use HMA instead of a chlorinator. I can also control the TDS by mixing the HMA back into the RO and using a flow control giving me full control over the TDS


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Re: 2 Days to go

Post by huffmagx »

Fantastic news on the hatching of remaining fry! I am very happy you didn't lose the rest of the eggs as you were expecting.

Now hopefully you can get a few babies out of this spawn and papa will learn from his mistake for next time. Pretty little things anyhow congrats!
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Re: 2 Days to go

Post by Barbie »

New fathers can be pretty enthusiastic with the fanning and females and what not and flip the eggs out into the tank. Once I have a spawn, I prop the front edge of the cave up an inch or so with slate to make the eggs automatically drift to the back of the cave again. Congratulations on your spawn! Hope it helps :).

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Re: 2 Days to go

Post by thegeeman »

almost lost their sac's now :D They dont look nothing like 114,s though :shock:


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Re: 2 Days to go

Post by andy75 »

Well done :thumbsup:
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Re: 2 Days to go

Post by corybrummie2010 »

Well done mate :thumbsup: the fry looks in very healthy condition.
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Re: 2 Days to go

Post by L number Banana »

Nice work :thumbsup:
Those are insanely cute!
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