Corydoras olgae pictures

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Corydoras olgae pictures

Post by Tanked »

well here are some very poor pictures of the fish that are presently in a LFS in Winnipeg. It was difficult to get a good pic. as they stayed to the back of the tank and the lighting was not very good. These fish have longer snouts and do look very much like a simulatus IMO.




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Corydoras olgae

Post by Tanked »

seems like I can only get a couple of pic. per post so I'll post a couple more...Rick

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Post by Dave Rinaldo »

They seem to be to me. A Google search turned up the name from an exporter out of Columbia. Seems to be a name they made up.
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Post by medaka »

could do with clearer pics for a pos; I.D.
there are also some C16's around at the moment

with the pics being slightly out of focus these fish are also another possibility for what they are. although the C16
are c16 c/f simulatus
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Post by benny »

C16 would normally have the banding on the dorsal ridge extending into the caudal fins. These does not seem to be the case for the specimens above. I would also go with Corydoras simulatus. However, I wouldn't be surprised to find a few C16 within the shipment. They seem to be found with Corydoras simulatus or Corydoras melini on ocasions.

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Post by Tanked »

benny wrote:C16 would normally have the banding on the dorsal ridge extending into the caudal fins. These does not seem to be the case for the specimens above. I would also go with Corydoras simulatus. However, I wouldn't be surprised to find a few C16 within the shipment. They seem to be found with Corydoras simulatus or Corydoras melini on ocasions.


correct, the banding does not extend into the caudal at all. I will try to get some better pictures.

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Post by Coryman »

Could possibly be this one C. septentrionalis


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