L333 Imperial Arabesque

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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L333 Imperial Arabesque

Post by Tom2600 »


L333's are IMO a stunning fish. I have never kept one before. Has anyone got info. on their care requirements ie. can they be kept together, breeding etc.

Many Thanks

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Post by Jools »

Standard Hypancistrus - see articles on L66 etc.

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Post by Stuey »

Hi there,

I have 3 of these fish in a south american style tank. Lots of bogwood, hiding places etc.

Water is very soft, and about pH 6.5 -7

They love some courgette and take bloodworm readily in between.

They don't seem territorial, and mingle with various other plecs, L18, L126, L47

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Post by hazard »

I have 4 in a african cichlid tank. I imagine the ph is 8.5 or so. I have never had a problem with them. Not to aggressive.
The plecos are calling!!!
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