brochis in my 55?

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brochis in my 55?

Post by ellagor »

I currently have a 55 gallon tank with a full grown green severum, and a 5" blue acara. Also in the tank is a bristlenose pleco, and a small school of buenos aires tetras. I was wondering whether a group of 2-3 of any of the 3 brochis species would work in this tank. There is a somewhat large piece of driftwood, and a rock pile in which they could seek refuge, or simply hang out. Any advice on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Also, if anyone has any other suggestions about a somewhat active bottom dwelling fish that might be a more suitable inhabitant of this tank, they would also be welcome. :)
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Post by corybreed »

You could try a group of 5 Brochis or some pictus cats would be ok if the tetras are large enough not to be swallowed.

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Post by ellagor »

Is 5 the smallest number that brochis would be comfortable in? I think that that would put my stocking level in the tank a little bit too high. Thanks for the advice! :)
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Post by Coryman »

Five or six would be OK and look quite impressive.

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