Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
i got a new catfish from the fish shop the other day and i need some help with its I.D
its all black well slightly grey and its got 6 white whiskers its eyes are on the top of its head instead of the side and it seems igrresive ???????? please help if you can guys
cheers guys you where bang on there Silurus i had been through all the profiles in the cat-e-log before and spotted the crystal eyed catfish but couldnt tell but now im sure
its about 3" now and looks like its gonna keep growing hopefully i might be able to get pics soon
The white whiskers tell me its probably Hemibagrus wyckoides. I have a wyckii (about 9") and his whiskers still havent turned all the way. Also, typically, a wyckii is going to be $100+ (or close to it) while a wyckoides will be $15+. Does the cat have white edging on its tail or is the tail tinged red?
the back tail fin is white edged its only about 3/4 inches now and seems very agressive against other fish e.g 2 inch hoplo and 3 inch bristlenose plec
I agree with Silurus....move em out quickly. Its definitely a wyckii. Read the catfish of the month article and youll understand why. I have a 9" one that is fine during the day but absolutely brutalizes everything in the tank when the lights go out. Great Fish!!
the name of the shop is cockfields farm lees road ashton/oldham it not just a farm shop he sells coldwater/tropical/saltwater fish and equipment he's pretty good on most things but as you can tell by my post he doesnt really research his fish before he gets them plus he takes in exchanges so there are new fish in there all the time
just borrowed a webcam to get a pic of it for id what do you think....???
p.s sorry about the quality i havent sorted the settings out on the cam yet
i wasnt to sure as ive seen another red tailed cat in my lfs and it doesnt look anything like mine its more black with a white stripe down its side and a little red ??? what is it