Spotted Raphael Barely seen?

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Spotted Raphael Barely seen?

Post by Mercfh »

So I have 2 raphael's in my 55 gallon.
One spotted/One striped. temp is at 76-77f and water params are good.

Thing is I see my striped raphael quite a lot, he comes out and eats usually when food is dropped.....but I barely see my spotted unless it's SUPER late. Both are pretty chubby so obviously they are eating something.

Has anyone else experienced this? Specifically spotted being shyer? Usually he just sits in a part of the driftwood most of the day (even though there are other darker hiding places :shrug:)
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Re: Spotted Raphael Barely seen?

Post by bekateen »

I haven't had either of these species, but I have Amblydoras nauticus. They are very shy. I have four adults and I never see more than one at a time.

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Re: Spotted Raphael Barely seen?

Post by naturalart »

Sounds pretty typical of Agamyxis sp. I kept a couple for awhile: very photophobic, mine would burrowers underneath stuff.
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