I am getting some spoonface whiptails and am wondering if anyone who keeps them might be able to show me a picture of the underside of a male and female so I can see the difference. These should be old enough to sex and they will let me pick which ones I want, would like to see an example to be sure I can tell.
My second question is how peaceful are they in your experience? I have some young Pseudohemiodon apithanos and even adult males are incredibly peaceful and can be housed with other bottom dwellers without picking a fight. I am wondering if, at least while both species are young they would be fine housed together provided the footprint of the tank is big enough to not crowd them.
I would be splitting them up when they get a little older but while they are small enough to be in there comfortably (the Columbian chameleons are around 3” the spoon face around 5”) I would just as soon let them share.
Whiptails. Sexing and compatibility
- Posts: 38
- Joined: 18 Aug 2022, 02:04
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- Location 1: Troy, NY.
- Location 2: USA
- Interests: Hiking/climbing, rockhounding, crafting/art, DIY aquarium builds and creating natural aquarium decor, aquascaping/biotopes, freshwater fish keeping and breeding especially catfish, loaches, gobies, and pipefish (all the oddballs)