H. debilittera project

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H. debilittera project

Post by jeanne »

Hello everyone,
(I'm french, please excuse my mistakes)
I have a project : a tank of 120L for hypancistrus debilittera. My main question is about the parameters : I've red a lot a of differents things on Internet... Which are de good parameters ?
Thank you very much ! :d
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Re: H. debilittera project

Post by MarcW »

Bonjour Jeanne!

Welcome to PlanetCatfish. A good place top start is the species page for the fish here , if you click the name of the fish it gives lots of information, including natural habitat, temperature, pH, etc. When looking to setup a species specific tank, I'll often start with the river(s) the fish is found in, this one is found in the Rio Bita, a tributary of the Rio Orinoco. Then you can start looking into details of the river, fast, slow or varied flow, black, white, or clear water, rock, sand, or leaf litter substrate, etc. Maybe a mix of many of these depending on which part of the river.

In terms of the water parameters, its a good idea to establish what your tap water is like and go from there, do you have anything to test the water with? Two good things to have are a liquid drop test, like the API master freshwater test kit, or similar, lots of companies make similar kits, that just happens to be the first which came to mind. I would also recommend a TDS meter, these are like a large pen, you should be able to find both of these things for around ~50 EUR.

Most of these catfish are fairly adaptable, so unless your tap water is an extreme pH or has a lot of nitrates, then it should do ok.

A lot of people (including me) started off chasing some magic number or type of water, and after spending a lot of time and money doing so, settle on something which is easy to maintain while also being a good environment for the fish, often local tap water.

It's worth checking with the shop or person you get the fish from, to see what water parameters they are currently kept in, that will also help you to decide.

Good luck!
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Re: H. debilittera project

Post by jeanne »

Thank you for your answer !
I already look at this specie page and I've found people (in the part of reproductions) who have different parameters, that's why I was wondering wich are the good.
If you say that loricaridés are quite adaptable, I think that my water is maybe good for debilittera :
(I already have this kind of set ;))
pH : between 7 and 7,5 (but easy to change because the KH is 4)
GH : 12 (maybe a little bit high ?)
global hardness : I don't know yet but soon

And my NO3/NO2 are always inexistant because I have a lot of plants. :)
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Re: H. debilittera project

Post by MarcW »

I would think that your water should be ok for them, and most loricariids.

I haven't kept Hypancistrus debilittera myself, hopefully someone who has can offer advice, but I'd say you are on the right track.

Good luck.
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Re: H. debilittera project

Post by stuby »

Agreed, your water if should be fine for them. My parameters are PH-7.4, GH-7, KH-5, TDS~125ppm, and temp 77 to 80 (25c to 27c). I do keep (and breed) Hypancistrus debilittera.

Take care,
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Re: H. debilittera project

Post by Speedy1985 »

I agree with the others, you should be fine. I keep my L129 group in parameters of 7.8pH, KH 4, GH 9 and TDS around 300 after off gassing. They spawn pretty regularly.
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Re: H. debilittera project

Post by jeanne »

Thank you very much :) ! It only remains me to find them ...
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