Sick L134
Re: Sick L134
Ph 7.4. Ammonia 0. Nitrite 0. Nitrate 5-10 at most.
Six caves a piece of tile and 3 pieces of wood. I use 80% ro and 20% tap and I greet all with safe. I do 2-3 30% water change every week. Temp is 82 degrees. I know I feed to much and I found out I have an area where food gets trapped and had fungus growing on it. That will be fixed. Please help with fish.
Six caves a piece of tile and 3 pieces of wood. I use 80% ro and 20% tap and I greet all with safe. I do 2-3 30% water change every week. Temp is 82 degrees. I know I feed to much and I found out I have an area where food gets trapped and had fungus growing on it. That will be fixed. Please help with fish.
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Re: Sick L134
Looks like a wound with secondary bacterial and/or fungal infection. If you have areas of rotting food, I would transfer all fish to a bucket 1/2 filled with tank water, then remove all tank décor and stir the gravel. Do a 80-90% water change. Replace décor in a different style in order to remove food traps. Run the filters for a few minutes before returning fish to tank. Use dechlorinator at 1.5x-2x strength. Consider raising temp to 85/86F. I'm not good with meds, so I don't know what to recommend for that.
Good luck,
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Re: Sick L134
Thank you for reply. I will do that now.
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Re: Sick L134
I didn't ask. What other fish are in the tank? And how many of each? Do you have more L134 in the tank? If so, how do they look?
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Re: Sick L134
I have 4 more and they look fine. I also have 2 rainbow that look fine. Do you think salt would help.
Re: Sick L134
Okay I’ve added salt, general cure, arrythromiacin. Can any tell me if I’m on the right path or should I try something else. Please help.
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Re: Sick L134
That is definitely fungal now. Does not look good to me. I don't know what else to recommend, but I am not hopeful. That said, keep the water clean and the aeration high.
Regards, Eric
Regards, Eric
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Re: Sick L134
Thank you for input. I appreciate it.
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Re: Sick L134
Definitely fungus, likely caused by fighting. I would water change the salt out of the water and then get Maracyn Oxy made by Mardel, and treat according to the directions. I would also stop the Erythromycin.
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“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”" Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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Re: Sick L134
Thank you. Did big water change to get rid of salt. Unfortunately in my area not much in way of good aquarium supplies. I’m trying pimafix right now and will order some maracyn.
- TwoTankAmin
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Re: Sick L134
“No one has ever become poor by giving.” Anonymous
“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”" Daniel Patrick Moynihan
"The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it." Neil DeGrasse Tyson
“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”" Daniel Patrick Moynihan
"The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it." Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Re: Sick L134
Found pleco dead this morning. When I pulled her out of tank I saw she had about twelve eggs protruding from her belly. Does that mean she was egg bound. Being I have no males is there anything else I could’ve done differently other than better husbandry.
Found pleco dead this morning. When I pulled her out of tank I saw she had about twelve eggs protruding from her belly. Does that mean she was egg bound. Being I have no males is there anything else I could’ve done differently other than better husbandry.
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Re: Sick L134
Sorry for your loss.Kirkl240 wrote: 13 Feb 2019, 15:38 When I pulled her out of tank I saw she had about twelve eggs protruding from her belly. Does that mean she was egg bound.
As far as her being egg-bound, no I wouldn't jump to that conclusion; she had a bad infection which undoubtedly killed her.
Dead plecos tend to bloat slightly (which pressurizes the abdomen), and dead animals often evacuate stuff (poop, urine, eggs) when they die. I would imagine that the ejection of eggs is coincidental. If she was otherwise healthy and died, then I would be more inclined to blame being egg-bound.
Regards, Eric
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Re: Sick L134
Not really sure what I’m doing wrong. Have another sick L134 with same issue. Very bloated and redness on tail. No fungus this time. Since last issue I treated fish with general cure, erythromycin, metroplex, prazipro and frequent small doses of salt and epsom salt with a at least 3 30-40% water changes per week. My water test was 0 ammonia 0 nitrite 5-10 nitrate 160 tds. I am using about 25% tap 75% ro and I treat it all with safe. I have 3 dwarf neon rainbows and 1 other rainbow which are doing fine. I fixed the dead spot in aquarium food and poo was collecting so not an issue any more. I have 3 watering stake caves and 2 pvc caves. 2 sponge filters and 1 penguin hob filter. This is killing me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Sick L134
This looks like sepsis. The bloating is likely the result of an infection that's impacted the kidneys, which will cause an internal fluid buildup and results in a bloated appearance.
I think the external stuff you're seeing is probably secondary to whatever the internal issue is. While my first reaction is that all of that medication could've caused organ failure, particularly if it was all together, the simplest explanation is that some sort of infection is going through your tank.
You've treated with antibacterials and antifungals. Metronidazole (metroplex) is effective on some protozoan infections, but you really need to dose it at about 500mg per 10 gallons per day. Metroplex isn't an efficient way to do that because one scoop is only about 125 mg. If I were you, I'd get some Hex Shield food and keep it on hand and order some larger dose metronidazole (Fishzole or Fishzole Forte) to keep on hand. You could also try Nitrofuran, but it's not really effective on internal protozoan infections if you're just treating the water.
I'd also recommend moving all fish to a quarantine tank that is relatively bare, substrate, pvc tubes for cover, for the duration of treatment.
I think the external stuff you're seeing is probably secondary to whatever the internal issue is. While my first reaction is that all of that medication could've caused organ failure, particularly if it was all together, the simplest explanation is that some sort of infection is going through your tank.
You've treated with antibacterials and antifungals. Metronidazole (metroplex) is effective on some protozoan infections, but you really need to dose it at about 500mg per 10 gallons per day. Metroplex isn't an efficient way to do that because one scoop is only about 125 mg. If I were you, I'd get some Hex Shield food and keep it on hand and order some larger dose metronidazole (Fishzole or Fishzole Forte) to keep on hand. You could also try Nitrofuran, but it's not really effective on internal protozoan infections if you're just treating the water.
I'd also recommend moving all fish to a quarantine tank that is relatively bare, substrate, pvc tubes for cover, for the duration of treatment.
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Re: Sick L134
Looking at all the pictures id say you have a very rough male. Hes trapped very hard. The first fish had a secondary fungal infection, ive had success with similar on l024 treating with acriflavin. I would try bathing the second fish in furan2 once a day for 3 days. Hope this helps
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Re: Sick L134
Sad to see this continue.
You might want to provide a picture of your tank. What is the water volume? How many L134 do you keep in there?
You might want to provide a picture of your tank. What is the water volume? How many L134 do you keep in there?
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Re: Sick L134
Olá, essa é minha primeira postagem no grupo, sou brasileiro e estou escrevendo em português para estimular mais brasileiros a entrar no forum.
Sobre o tratamento do L134, achei interessante o uso de sal, aqui no Brasil com cascudos "plecos" nunca usamos sal, quando não é um peixe de fundo até usamos mas para peixe de fundo o uso do sal acaba levando-os à morte.
Hello, it is my first post in the forum, i´m brazilian.
About the treatment of the L134, to use salt with pleco "cascudo" in tank it is very curious to me, here, in Brazil, we not use salt when has one Loricariidae, because the salt (NaCl) killer the pleco.
Sobre o tratamento do L134, achei interessante o uso de sal, aqui no Brasil com cascudos "plecos" nunca usamos sal, quando não é um peixe de fundo até usamos mas para peixe de fundo o uso do sal acaba levando-os à morte.
Hello, it is my first post in the forum, i´m brazilian.
About the treatment of the L134, to use salt with pleco "cascudo" in tank it is very curious to me, here, in Brazil, we not use salt when has one Loricariidae, because the salt (NaCl) killer the pleco.
Re: Sick L134
My aquarium is bare bottom with five caves, 2 sponge filters, and an hob which I am cleaning out right now which I only use for mechanical filtration. I now have a 3rd Pleco with sores on him. I have been wiping down aquarium once a week and doing 50% water changes every other day with part ro and part treated tap water. TDS is between 100-150 ammonia no2 are 0 and no3 is less than 5 ppm. I gave medicine individually not all together. I’m putting more salt in to help with slime coat unless anyone has anything better I can do.