CW010 Aeneus Gold Laser breeding...

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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CW010 Aeneus Gold Laser breeding...

Post by CoryCatsPassion »


i'm new in this amzing place :-)

i have got a group of 7 Aeneus Gold Laser, 5 are 'wild caught' +2 younger from another source
the 'wild 5' i have had for almost 1 year, havent had them spawning at all (maybe the travel was too stressfull, first from the 'possible' wild, + the second travel to me) they are at least 4cm in length, i can see some females, rounder, bet never really 'obese'

I have success with Paleatus (eggs machine) and Duplicareus.
the 5+2 are lively, they survived 10+ months, eating, not hiding much, they get frozen, live, dry, flakes, tabs etc
i sometimes, possibly more in the last 4 months than before, see about 3 attempting some 'chasing' (t-position) but really lightly attempted

Ph about 7 (6.9-7.2)
temp max 25c (most 24c), water changes at around 20c

any advices ?
ty :-)
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Re: CW010 Aeneus Gold Laser breeding...

Post by backstreetgambler »

Mine use to spawn after a filter clean up. More turbulence and better oxygenation seems to do it for them.
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Re: CW010 Aeneus Gold Laser breeding...

Post by MMurray »

I generally over feed and over water change however I don't think enough people realize how much food corydoras need. If you're confident with your sex ratio I would look at the volume you're feeding and if you can potentially increase it along with your maintenance. Another thing to consider is your temp. I think its pretty much right where it should be but assuming you have a heater keeping it consistently at 25C I would look at leaving the heater off for a few days after the WC if the room isn't too cold. I have noticed that a lot of corydoras species spawn 2 days after a cold water change opposed to directly after it. let them stay cooler for a little longer if you can, this species is hardy and doesn't need to be very hot in my opinion.
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