Erethistid ID

Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
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Erethistid ID

Post by Bigfoot.Uwf »

My best guess is Pseudolaguvia ribeiroi?
They were being sold as "Naked Moth Catfish", and this one was the only one left. Shop said they should be getting some more within a week so if it is a shoaling species I should be able to get a few more. The fish is a couple cm long and very narrow. Pictures aren't the best I know; I'll try to get some more once it comes out of the cave it immediately shot off into.
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Re: Erethistid ID

Post by porinocoense »

It does seem to be Pseudolaguvia Ribeiroi because of how dark it is, but it is kind of hard to tell. Because of packaging and stress the colors may change when settled in the tank. If it is not Pseudolaguvia ribeiroi, it kind of also looks like Pseudolaguvia Shawi because of the bands, though Pseudolaguvia Shawi are usually a little bit lighter.
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Re: Erethistid ID

Post by Shovelnose »

It is an Akysis, @HH will be able to ID it down to species level.

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Re: Erethistid ID

Post by Jools »

Might be hard even for @Silurus to ID without an in tank shot - maybe it is .

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Re: Erethistid ID

Post by Silurus »

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