CatCon: Shipping / Transporting Fish Help

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CatCon: Shipping / Transporting Fish Help

Post by BatfishAquatics »

Hey Folks

Are you coming from out of town, and flying into the Catfish Convention? Bringing fish home via airplane, or even having to deal with fish stuffed in the car during a long drive, can be a huge hassle. While aquarium fish are allowed by TSA, some airlines will reject fish in carry-on, and TSA agents have discretionary authority to reject packed fish. With fish in the car, stopping at a rest stop can quickly turn your car into an oven, and your bagged fish into soup.

One of the best options is to ship your fish to you -- but if you're leaving Sunday, this may not be viable. Batfish Aquatics is offering a bag and ship option to you. Due to the amount we ship, we receive a better shipping rate on fish, and are willing to pass these savings on to you. You pay only the cost of shipping, plus the following rates:

Drop Off Only: $5 per box.
Hand us your box, packed up and ready to go, and we'll ship it off to you for shipping + $5.

Box and Ship: $10 per box.
This service is available if you do not have a box, but do not need or want fish rebagged. We will provide a styro and outer carton, packing material, and ship the fish to you, for $10 per box, plus the cost of shipping.

Rebag w/ Air: $1 per bag.
Want your fish rebagged in fresh, clean water? We will replace the water with clean water, add shipping chemicals, and rebag the fish (replacing the bag as needed). This service is available for $1 per bag of fish, and may be done anytime. We'll happily rebag the fish for you before you put them in the car, or we can box and ship them for you.

Rebag w/ Oxygen: $2 per bag.
Same as above, but we will use compressed oxygen to inflate the bags.

Come see us in Room 307!
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Re: CatCon: Shipping / Transporting Fish Help

Post by Nabobmob1 »

This is very cool for you to offer this service.
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Re: CatCon: Shipping / Transporting Fish Help

Post by jp11biod »

ditto !
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