Getting arcuatus in the mood

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Getting arcuatus in the mood

Post by kateswan »

Has anyone had any success getting skunk corys to breed?
I have 11 of them living together, without any real interest in
breeding going on. I think there's at least 2 females in the
group, the difference in size seems less distinct than in my
other corys.

I've tried water changes, but that's about all.

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Post by plesner »

I have no experience with arcuatus, but water changes involving colder water often works wonders. With some species, I've changed 50+ % of the water and replaced it with ice cold tap water. Immediately after the water change, they did look somewhat pale, but the next morning I usually had eggs. If you haven't done so allready, you might try something along these lines but I'd start with something less drastic as far as the temperature drop is concerned.
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Post by sammich »

In response to the topic title, you could borrow my Barry White CD...
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Post by Yann »

Hi !
Here is a spawning log form Ian Fuller's website about Corydoras arcuatus
You can also check on Allan James' webiste here
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Post by Silurus »

Ian's spawning log ain't working.
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Post by kateswan »

Thanks everyone. The Scotcat article was helpful. I do have some
java moss I can drop into their tank.

And while the fish don't seem to care much for Barry White,
we have tried the soundtrack to The Little Mermaid, possibly
with too much success with the sailfin mollies . . . "kiss the girl ..."

(Stop! kissing the girl. No more mollies!)

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Post by Coryman »

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