I've read the descriptions of this Cat and they indicate no issues with eating. I've tried multiple different types of sinking pellets (shrimp, omnivore mix,etc) but it doesn't seem to be eating anything. I bought him 4 days ago. I also have dried blood worms but they stay at the top and get eaten by other fish.
What else can I feed him? I've never used frozen before. Is that the answer?
He also does not come out of his cave except at night. I've turned the lights on when he's come out and it freaks him out. He scrambles around frantically looking for a hiding place.
Will he ever get used to being out of the cave when the lights are on? He's a beautiful fish so I'd love to be able to see him more.
Thanks for your help.
Pim. Blochii not eating (at least not that I know of)
- Silurus
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It'll take a while for your fish to get used to the new surroundings before it starts feeding again, so I wouldn't worry too much.
I would try to use more sinking foods, though (frozen bloodworms would be great).
I have two at the moment, and although they didn't feed when first introduced to the tank, they are among the first out during feeding time now.
I would try to use more sinking foods, though (frozen bloodworms would be great).
I have two at the moment, and although they didn't feed when first introduced to the tank, they are among the first out during feeding time now.