Got it RIGHT this time!!! Finally!!!

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Got it RIGHT this time!!! Finally!!!

Post by Peanut_Power »

Bagarius suchus, the real deal. :thumbsup:
Figured I might as well get two. . . .
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Re: Got it RIGHT this time!!! Finally!!!

Post by Peanut_Power »

One more shot. . .
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Re: Got it RIGHT this time!!! Finally!!!

Post by nooneknows »

Hey Jer-
Those are awesome, and the 125 setup looks great!
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Re: Got it RIGHT this time!!! Finally!!!

Post by Stuey »

Hi There

WOW ...what stunning fish, I gotta get me some of

Maybe sometime in the future when I get room enough for a large enough tank

I know these fish get to approx just over a foot or so, but could I ask how big the fish in the pics are??

Top pics too

really nice fish

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Re: Got it RIGHT this time!!! Finally!!!

Post by Martin S »

Lovely looking fish, but for info the adult size is a bit bigger than a foot! Times that by 2 and add a bit and you'll be closer.
These are huge fish as adult, and will need a very large pond or an absolute minimum tank size of 8' x 4' x 4'.
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Re: Got it RIGHT this time!!! Finally!!!

Post by davidkozak »

Those are really cool looking :beardy: David
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Re: Got it RIGHT this time!!! Finally!!!

Post by Richard B »

How big are these? They remind me of B Bagarius but from the pics i can't see the whole body (side on would be best) & they appear to be quite big, 10-12"?
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Re: Got it RIGHT this time!!! Finally!!!

Post by Peanut_Power »

Lisa ~ Hey you!!! Didn't know you were over here! Awesome! Thanks for the kind words ma'am!

Stuey ~ Thanks! They are really awesome cats fer sure! They are approximately 6 to 8" in the pictures. I didn't really measure them, but they were sold at that size, and are definitely every each of it, if not more. :thumbsup:

Bagarius suchus actually maxes out around 28" in the wild, give or take 2" I imagine. So its supposedly safe to say they won't reach their full size in captivity, although I am hoping I can provide the the means to do so! They are definitely a much more manageable size compared to B. yarelli or even B. rutilus. Bagarius bagarius is cool, but just doesn't get large enough to keep me happy. :lol:

Martin ~ From everything I've read about them they max out around 28". So hopefully they will stick to what the literature suggests. Thankfully they aren't very fast growers either, compared to B. yarelli anyway. Once they are eating good and I'm comfortable with their conditions, they will be going back into the 125gal, then the 300gal. :) Already have plans in the works for their next tank after that! :)

David ~ Thanks you sir!!! They are super cool looking for sure!!! Not very active fish, but sooo much detail to their pattern! Its crazy awesome!

Richard ~ They are around 6 to 8", possibly 9" now. They are definitely 100% Bagarius suchus, got them from Wes (Rare Fish) who knows his fish. Plus they match all the pictures and descriptions here on PC, so I hope those are right too! LoL! To me they look only slightly similar to Bagarius bagarius, or any of the other Bagarius species for that matter. Really compressed, flattened body, ridges all over the head and back, definitely unique looking.
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Re: Got it RIGHT this time!!! Finally!!!

Post by Peanut_Power »

Here are some more pictures I took a while back. Need to get some new updated ones! Their colors and patterns are just crazy awesome now that they are settled in proper!


Love this picture!!!

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Re: Got it RIGHT this time!!! Finally!!!

Post by Cory_lover »

WOW! they look totally amazing!! Their camouflage patterns (but definitely not body shape!:P) remind me of the Stone fish...but they're marine fish. Fantastic photography though!!! :D
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