I set up a tank a couple of weeks ago, wanting to make it really nice for the cories that I've fallen in love with. It's a 15 gallon that I've set up with sand substrate, driftwood and live plants. I have two 6 gallon Eclipse tanks, one with eco complete substrate, the other with smooth gravel, driftwood and live plants. I've never really had any problems with these two tanks, but my new tank has something worrisome going on with it.
One of the pieces of wood has developed a very strange coating on it - it looks like maybe fungus. I don't know what it is, but I can't imagine it's something good! The wood in my smaller tanks had been boiled to remove the tannins, but since moving, all my pots are packed away ... somewhere... and instead I put the wood in a big bucket and used scalding hot water from my tap to soak it. The water really is scalding hot out of the tap - I've burned myself a couple of times. I'd change it twice a day for a week and then once a day for another week or so, until the water wasn't very brown anymore.
The other pieces of wood are fine, although one of the other small pieces, the same grapewood as the really bad one, has some on it, but not as bad. I have two much bigger pieces of mopani wood that are unaffected. Could it be that my filtration is not strong enough? I have a power filter rated for a 5-20 gallon tank. Probably should have gotten the 10-30 gallon one, but since I also plan on putting my betta in there, didn't want an overabundance of action going on. I don't know.
My anacharis is also doing terribly. I'm sure the lighting isn't strong enough, but it's doing great in my little tanks that only have an 8 watt bulb in them, although that probably works out to 1.5 watts per gallon, with all the decorations etc, taking up some water space. I really want to upgrade the wattage on the 15 gallon anyway, as it's only 15 watts right now.
So if anyone can give me some advice I'd greatly appreciate it! Here are some pix of what it looks like.