Can someone help plz!

Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
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Can someone help plz!

Post by LondonDragon »

Brought this as an upside down catfish, but from what I seen it looks nothing like one now!! can someone help me please and will this fish grow a lot and eat smaller fish?? thanks

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Synodontis Nigrita.

Post by kush »

I'm not at all an expert on this but the fish you show looks exaktly(not exectly... yours has bigger spots) like my S. Nigrita's.

Silurus Id'd them for me in this thread.
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Post by DeLBoD »

Synodontis eupterus was my first though but you're fish lacks the extended dorsal fin.
Mabie a hybrid species,have a look at Synodontis.spp
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Post by Silurus »

It's neither S. nigrita nor S. eupterus. Most likely an eupterus-Tang Syno hybrid.
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Post by LondonDragon »

Silurus wrote:It's neither S. nigrita nor S. eupterus. Most likely an eupterus-Tang Syno hybrid.
How big does this fish grow and will it eat small fish like Neons and Corys????

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Post by Jools »

LondonDragon wrote:
Silurus wrote:It's neither S. nigrita nor S. eupterus. Most likely an eupterus-Tang Syno hybrid.
How big does this fish grow and will it eat small fish like Neons and Corys????

It will be OK with Corys and _should_ be OK with neons but this might get a bit risky as the fish grows. Becuase it is a hybrid it is hard to know how big it will get but I wouldn't think it would get much bigger than 5".

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Post by Dinyar »

I see S. ocellifer, possibly ocellifer x eupterus.

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Post by STINGRAY »

Were did you buy the cat. It looks like a hybrid to me. I have 1 almost identical which is now 5inches after 12 mth. If I remember correctly it was sent in as a tank bred Multipunctatus but soon lost its white colour.
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Post by LondonDragon »

STINGRAY wrote:Were did you buy the cat. It looks like a hybrid to me. I have 1 almost identical which is now 5inches after 12 mth. If I remember correctly it was sent in as a tank bred Multipunctatus but soon lost its white colour.
Brought this down the local fish store, was labbled as an "Upside down catfish", but from what I have seen around I don't think this is the case! as I have a 30 gallon aquarium, just wondering if it will over grow it, as I have other fish too

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Post by DeLBoD »

I would suggest at least a 50-70 gallon Aquarium as most synoâ??s get quite territorial and need lots of room to patrol .
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