tropical fish auction northeast uk 18th oct

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tropical fish auction northeast uk 18th oct

Post by bristlenosekid »

is anyone going this sunday tropical fish auction ?

STAMPS Grand Auction
18th of October 2009

To be held at:
The Charles Young Day Centre,
Talbot Road, South Shields,
Tyne & Wear, NE34 0QJ
Click here for a map
Booking-in lots from 10.30am
Auction Starts at 12.00 noon
15% commission to STAMPS
Food and refreshments available
Lots may be pre-booked, please contact:
Ken -- 0191 4567029
Bede -- 0191 4223919

its a really good day out. you can price up any thing like the last on i got the biggest breeding pair of bristlenoses i've ever seen for a £10 and
holo catfish breeding 4"+ for £8
its great cause you just dont know what going to be there.
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