Redtail Catfish Guide~~

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Redtail Catfish Guide~~

Post by crazx86 »

Hi all,

i Recently got a SA redtail cat. I Have Had it for about 4 days now. Its was only 10 mins ago (amazingly stupid of me) that i realised one of his eyyes is actually gone. I would like to know if the chances of it survival are slim or would it stand a chance to recover..?? Pls anyone. let me know if u had encounter such problems before. :(

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Re: Redtail Catfish Guide~~

Post by exasperatus2002 »

In an aquarium/pond his chances are good. He's got a spare and vision isnt their primary sense of prey detection.
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Re: Redtail Catfish Guide~~

Post by Richard B »

The missing eye should not hinder the chances of survival at all.

Please correct me if i'm wrong, but i am presuming the eye is missing from the socket? if yes, then the flesh will fill the hole & skin over.

Sense of smell/taste is key to these fish finding food but they do have good sight generally.
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Re: Redtail Catfish Guide~~

Post by arapaimag »

I've never had a big catfish lose an eye.

But I believe yours will do very well as long as there are no aggressive large fish in with them. Especially large cichlids when the redtail is still young.
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