Mongo's thoughts

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Mongo's thoughts

Post by Mongo »

To save going off topic a new thread as Jools suggested.

Below is the post that caused the fuss

"Let us just face facts, sour grapes, well Mr I Fuller has done everything he can possibly do to scupper shops that don't sponsor his CSG, or as stated in the other CSG thread anything that don't make money for him.

Question is it his CSG?

I have met the man in question, and a few others who have also, yet only one who has anything positive to say about him.

Am I wrong

Take care


"Off topic - I don't want any more posts on this bunging up this useful thread, take it to the speak easy if you wish to have a discussion around Ian's running the CSG - I'll happily contribute there - as I'm just about old enough to remember what the Northern Area Catfish Group was like before Ian took over the chair. I don't think I've met you Dave, but I do have positive things to say about Ian. I also have a terrible habit of being even-handed.


When I posted, and my decision to post was following an approach from Mr I Fuller to buy fish off me I still have the email, and at the time of meeting he told me he had issues with Neil at Pier, so here perception is a strange thing, I only invited positive input, as I pick and choose who I sell my fish to.

"Firstly I would like to apologise to all reading this thread as it has now moved away from its original topic, but I feel I have the right to respond to Mongo's post, to as they say "put the record straight". If anyone would like to have a pop please feel free but do it in a PM, then I will have no need to pull any punches."

In response how is asking for positve comments taking a pop.

Mongo wrote:
Let us just face facts, sour grapes, well Mr I Fuller has done everything he can possibly do to scupper shops that don't sponsor his CSG, or as stated in the other CSG thread anything that don't make money for him.

"Actually Mongo (Dave ?), I have not as you say done everything to scupper shops that don't sponsor the CSG, or anything that does not make money. I merely asked conventioneers to support our sponsors and at the time of writing two of the shops mentioned (not by me by name) do not currently sponsor the CSG. This may or may not change in the future, I and rightly so, ask members of the group to support those that support us. Make money! I certainly try, the more I can accumulate by sponsor, donation or advertising means the lower I can keep the convention tickets. As an aside we are probably the only society in the UK that has free entries to our Open Show and give out substantial exhibitor pack. Who do you think plans and organises this. Also before anyone thinks or says otherwise, I along with the rest of the committee do pay for our tickets."

I never stated anywhere that you didn't pay for your tickets, or even implied it, so where this has come from I don't know.

"Have you ever tried to organise a weekend convention? How much do you think it cost to get speakers in from Thailand the USA and Germany? Where do you think the money comes from? The ticket prices for members is very reasonable and it's the members that the convention is organised for, we could keep it as a closed shop, but wouldn't that get the critics on their pedestals. Non members do pay a little more, but we (The committee, not me) think that it is good value for money, but for you to discover whether it is or not would mean attend the event for your self and not relying on hearsay to base an opinion on."

Yes I have arranged conventions, but I don't really think I have criticised what you have done.

"In a word no, but I am passionate about the group and as Chairman I am the one that is in the driving seat. Now if you, or anyone else for that matter, would like to take over be my guest, it is hard enough coming up with ideas and ways to improve what we do without outsider criticisms and here I would suggest join, if your not already a member and make a difference by getting involved. However that would mean making a commitment and some time involvement."

Again really well done, but all I did was ask for positive feedback.

"Opinions! Everyone is entitled to the, but usually the negative ones are make behind backs and not face to face. I have been in the CSG driving seat for ten years and quite frankly I am getting a little tired, mainly because of the outsider, non involved, negative people who are very quick at mud slinging."

Again really well done, but I only asked for positive feedback.

"Why ask, make your own mind up."

Well I have now.

"Man, I hate to stick my nose where it doesn't belong (believe that and I have a bridge I'd like to sell you), but I am not going to let you slam a good friend in public. Your incredibly bad manners, alone, deserve a rebuttal, but we'll put that aside for now and just deal with your fallacious comments."

Ho hum, again I asked for positive feedback only.

"I have been in this hobby for 52 years. I have seen a lot of yokels, come and go - never to be heard from again. No doubt that Mr. Fuller will never win any Mr. Congeniality contest, but the only people you will find that will bad-mouth him are those who resent his knowledge, proficiency and his inability to put up with crap from people who talk a good game, but never have anything positive to contribute to a project, or the public discourse, surrounding one."

I wonder whether the above is just an inability to listen, or is he always right.

"When I see him on iChat at 1 AM, his time, when I know he has work the next morning and I ask, "Hey, old man. Why aren't you cranking Z's?" - the answer is always the same. "Working on CSG stuff," with a smile added to signify that he is doing something that he loves doing."

I do not doubt the above.

"There isn't an organization that would not benefit from one or more persons who share his enthusiasm and dedication to the task at hand. He will always go above-and-beyond the call-of-duty, whenever necessary. What have YOU done, sir, to advance this hobby, in any way, shape or form? Please elucidate. Is that silence, I hear?

Suppose on the above you should ask Chester Zoo, I have donated a couple of species for conservation purposes.

"Yes, I will gladly and proudly admit that I hold Mr. Fuller in high-esteem and consider him a good and loyal friend that I can always turn to in time of need and know that he will be there for me. Maybe it's because we have both been around the same block, more than a few times that we have such simpatico. Not sure. I dare say there are many others who feel the same way. I am sure of this - he certainly does not need me to fight his battles for him. I am merely reacting to your blatant denigration of a good man, a dedicated fish keeper and a true icon in our hobby, one, I would dare say, that you are not worthy of carting his turkey baster."

You are entitled to your opinion, and it is unlikely I will be carting his Turkey Baster, as I can't see any circumstances where I would be invited for Christmas Dinner.

"I know that there is tension at times, especially among the various "site-owners," but I chalk that up to the passion each of them feel for their projects that they all dedicate an inordinate amount of time, energy and financial resources into, for the benefit of the rest of us lowly fish keepers. There will always be disagreements and no two strong-willed individuals are ever going to totally agree on every point. That's part of what makes the world go 'round. In the end, though, I believe they are all prepared to "lift a pint" and let bygones be bygones because ultimately, they realize it's not about their egos or their stature in the hobby or who has the most/best content or "hits" - it's all about the body of knowledge that they are attempting to amass for our mutual benefit."

I agree.

"All of these people, especially Jools and Ian deserve all the respect and appreciation we can possibly afford them."

I will give respect when appropriate.

"For you to slam Ian in public is simply a low-class move, which I personally resent, strongly."

Again all I asked for was positive feedback.

"Neither Ian or Jools will be pleased that I have entered the fray, but where I come from we don't sit idly by and allow our friends to be trashed in public."

Now this hardly a trashing.

"Get a clue, get some manners and do something positive in your life. When Ian does something to you, personally, then - and only then, should you see fit to open your pie hole to cast aspersions about him."

You should ask him what he offered me in the hope of getting some of my fish. I would gladly have sold them prior to this offer.

"I will gladly entertain any feeble attempt at a rational retort, via a PM. I only posted this publicly to show you what it feels like to be trashed in public. Of course, Jools, at his discretion may see fit to delete or move this post, entirely. I respect his call on the matter, without question. - Frank"

Now perception is a strange thing.

Take care

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Re: Mongo's thoughts

Post by Barbie »

I have been quite busy running my fish shop, so I obviously missed something in a thread somewhere, but quite honestly, after reading this one, I would like to clarify that I personally admire, respect, and genuinely like Ian Fuller. He has a wealth of knowledge about our hobby that he shares with even lowly beginners spawning their very first cory (namely myself!) He has never been anything but a gentleman in my presence at various events. I would personally have taken the accusations in the thread as an attack that then make it completely and unfairly ridiculous to expect only positive responses. You can't throw stones then just restrict everyone from throwing any back.

Putting the work and hours into something like the CSG is a huge commitment. While I'm quite sure you feel you'd do a better job, the fact remains that you aren't doing it, he is. You could always kick in and take off half the load on his shoulders and show all of us how much better you'd be at it. I'm sure Ian would welcome the help!

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Re: Mongo's thoughts

Post by Jools »

Mongo wrote:When I posted, and my decision to post was following an approach from Mr I Fuller to buy fish off me I still have the email, and at the time of meeting he told me he had issues with Neil at Pier, so here perception is a strange thing, I only invited positive input, as I pick and choose who I sell my fish to.

Not sure I understand what you're asking or stating here - can you explain? Also, and just because it appears the purpose of this topic is to say if you've met Ian in real life and have positive things to say about him. Then, yes I have and yes I do.

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Re: Mongo's thoughts

Post by Jon »

You wouldn't happen to be that extraordinarily huge douchebag DJH from plecofanatics, would you?

If not, forget I said anything.
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Re: Mongo's thoughts

Post by Mongo »

Well Jools

I was asked a number of questions in response to a post in respect of CSG shop visits, when you so kindly posted, that I should start another thread, which I did, perhaps a beer too many at the time, I answered them as I saw fit.

Yes Jon I am that Douche Bag DJH off Plecofanatics as you put it, and really I don't take offence at this, but I do look forward to any responses you make to my future posts.

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Re: Mongo's thoughts

Post by Jon »

I don't aim to offend--I just tell the truth, and, that truth, as far as I can tell, is that no one--not a single person--from two forums' worth of people, likes you. So maybe, as the purported truth seeker you are, you should get off your perpetual high horse for once and do a bit of self introspection. After all, not all of those people can be wrong, can they (knowing you, you'd probably so)?

Granted, I've never met Ian Fuller, and though I have heard claims similar to yours, he's always appeared to be a helpful figure in all of my online dealings with him, but let's face it, in an attempt to slander the dude, all you're really doing is singing the song of pentultimate irony.

Just think about it.

P.S.: On a very similar note, I was very taken by your spiel about respect.
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Re: Mongo's thoughts

Post by Jools »

OK, so I think we've about had enough mudslinging...

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Re: Mongo's thoughts

Post by Coryman »

Mongo, (Dave)

Just for the public record, I did not approach you. If you recall you made an offer to me via a third party to which I followed up personally at the time and later with a e-mail. I was not actually interested in the L46's for myself but for the shop that I work for. What ever I put in the e-mail is of no importance, you didn't have the decency to respond to it anyway, even in your obnoxious alcohol induced manner, which seems your way.

It seems that you started this topic to form a jury with you as the judge to question my character. I have already told you I am more than able to stand up and be counted warts and all. All this cr*p from you and your friend sojapat (Neil) and whoever else is stoking up the fire behind my back, just because I asked people coming to the CSG convention
"to visit our sponsors"
not a word anywhere about DO NOT GO TO this that or the other shop.

Both you and Neil have received and read my PM's, check the facts in them they are all true. I have broken no laws so have nothing to defend, least of all to you an interfering third party. I would have thought between the pair of you you could have got your facts right before climbing all over me with accusations of trying to wreck someones livelihood.

When next years CSG convention has been arranged you may find that it will be in the midlands, so can I expect more of same cr*p from you about trying to scupper someones business. Personally I don't give a rats ass what you think, my priority is the success of the CSG and so far I don't think I have done too bad a job. I learned a long time ago that it is impossible to please all the people all the time, outsiders are only happy when they cause upset and have no interest in the group itself. I have a committee and a membership to answer to for my actions, good or bad. Neither you or Neil are CSG members so in reality I am certainly not answerable to either of you.

Here I am answerable to the site owner Jools and if he feels that I have gone OTT with my response then he is free to remove my post.

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Re: Mongo's thoughts

Post by Sp00ky »

I have read through all the posts and would just like to add my views on this.

I re-introduced myself to fish keeping after a long break in late 2006. I wasnt looking to specialise in any particular species and kind of fell into Corys. After much searching around on the net, i learned of a chap called Ian Fuller who had been very much into corys (both the breeding and cataloguing of the species) since before i was even born!

I joined his site and found a wealth of knowledge regarding corys and started to build my collection up. It got to the stage where in such a short space of time the hobby had turned into a business and in January 2007 i set up my business. Ian learned of this and contacted me and gave me A LOT of advise, not only regarding the name of the business, but also how to run it. All of this i may add was not asked for, but willingly offered for NO financial gain in the slightest. One thing led to another and i decided that i really needed a fish house. I mentioned this to Ian and again, without any requests from myself, he offered to come up my house one weekend and help me draw up the plans for the construction and also the layout inside. The cost of this, a butty and a cuppa! (again, no financial gain).

I would point out that at this time, i didnt even know about the CSG and it wasnt until several months later that i stumbled across it and began attending the auctions to the extent whereby i am now on the commitee after voluntering my services.

Ian has been nothing more than a very good friend to me in the short time we have known each other and has always been there to listen to me (and at times give me a kick up the as* when needs be!) regarding not only business and fishy things, but also from a personal life point of view. Yes, he taps me up for sponsorship of the Open Shows, but as a commitee member of the CSG, thats part of the role and i will be doing the same now as the latest member of the commitee.

Someone once said to me a couple of years ago that some fish keepers (both hobbyists and professionals) are one of the most fickle two faced people on the planet. I personally didnt take much notice of this at the time (this was from someone who had been in the hobby for more years that i can remember) as i'd had only good dealings with people and base my business on being very much customer focused. However, this soon came to fruition when rumours started from people i had never met or dealt with. I can only assume that given you will not find a bad word on the internet about my business, this had come from jealous parties. Jealous of what i dont really know, this is a billion dollar industry and there is plenty to go around (even in these hard times) so it really did perplex me.

I spoke to Ian regarding this and his advise, ignore it. Carry on what your doing and people will soon see that its all false. This i have done and i know have a very loyal customer base who will only come to me for their stock. This makes me feel very proud and i love what i do.

So yes, i have had dealings with Ian. He is a very straight talking person and will call a spade a spade. In some respects, he is very much like me, treat him right as you would any other person with the respect they deserve and he will be one of the best people you could ever wish to know. S**T on him and you get what you deserve.

End of story.
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Re: Mongo's thoughts

Post by Jools »

This was always going to be a mudslinger of a topic. My views are to leave it more or less alone as long as we don't start using language inappropriate to the family friendly nature of the site. However, it is also my aim to ensure this doesn't spill over to the rest of the site and I am sure the moderation team will assist with that.

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Re: Mongo's thoughts

Post by Sp00ky »

Jools wrote:This was always going to be a mudslinger of a topic. My views are to leave it more or less alone as long as we don't start using language inappropriate to the family friendly nature of the site. However, it is also my aim to ensure this doesn't spill over to the rest of the site and I am sure the moderation team will assist with that.

I agree 100% Jools and i dont think i have said anything out of turn in my post.

See you at the weekend !! :)
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Re: Mongo's thoughts

Post by boogie »

What the h*ll is this thread about???? There should be a map or something. I feel like I've missed out on some interesting plot lines in some weird sci-fi/fish soap opera or something. Let us know what this is about? I've never come across a thread like this before.
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Re: Mongo's thoughts

Post by The.Dark.One »

boogie wrote:What the h*ll is this thread about???? There should be a map or something. I feel like I've missed out on some interesting plot lines in some weird sci-fi/fish soap opera or something. Let us know what this is about? I've never come across a thread like this before.
Read this ... =2&t=24950
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