Please help!

Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
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Please help!

Post by Pelle »

Can any one help me with identification of this Panaque?
Many thanks in advance :)

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Re: Please help!

Post by drpleco »

But for the "window" in the caudal region, I'd say L27, . The lines look more golden/brown than L190.
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Re: Please help!

Post by Pelle »

Thanks a lot! :thumbsup:

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Re: Please help!

Post by Lornek8 »

I'd say
Can you get additional pic, like a mouth shot?
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Re: Please help!

Post by MatsP »

My personal feeling on this subject is that all "big striped brown/black Panaque" are the same species [please note that I am a layman in the subject - scientists may well prove me wrong in the future]. However, they have a very wide distribution, and populations from one place look different from the ones from other places.

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Re: Please help!

Post by Pelle »

Thanks for all the answers. I really appreciate it!

Here comes another photo from a different angle on the same "cat"
I don't have a mouth photo... Sorry..

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Re: Please help!

Post by loachy_406 »

We have nine species to reasonably choose from. Of these, none have the 'window' in the caudal region, except maybe , which looks too dark, has too few stripes and has reddish colouration on the fins. You might have a new variation on L027 making ten of these. That's what the same species in different rivers for a long time does for you...
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Re: Please help!

Post by Lornek8 »

Most juveniles of the various Royals (L190, L191, L027) start out with a window in the tail. As they grow they eventually lose this window. I personally don't think its a good method to use to distiguish the various Royals. Nor, for that matter is an identification based soley on the coloration of the stipes. The color of the stripes depends a lot upon the lighting conditions it was taken under & also to an extent the environment of the fish.
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