8 foot X 24 wide X 12 tall, what would you do?

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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8 foot X 24 wide X 12 tall, what would you do?

Post by alga »

Well, I normally don't like it when people ask, "what should I put in my tank?" BUT (the big but :D ) I just got the aforementioned tank and now I am perplexed...what to put in it. I want something I do not already have, so here is the list...

1. Ancistrini sp. (L082) (8 specimens)
2. Ancistrini sp. (L239) (8 specimens)
3. Ancistrus dolichopterus (2 specimens)
4. Dekeyseria sp. (L052) (2 specimens)
5. Hypancistrus contradens (24 specimens)
6. Hypancistrus debilittera (3 specimens)
7. Hypancistrus furunculus (3 specimens)
8. Hypancistrus inspector (15 specimens)
9. Hypancistrus sp. (L004) (2 specimens)
10. Hypancistrus sp. (L066) (4 specimens)
11. Hypancistrus sp. (L174) (12 specimens)
12. Hypancistrus sp. (L260) (9 specimens)
13. Hypancistrus sp. (L262) (4 specimens)
14. Hypancistrus sp. (L270) (8 specimens)
15. Hypancistrus sp. (L316) (6 specimens)
16. Hypancistrus sp. (L333) (7 specimens)
17. Hypancistrus zebra (12 specimens)
18. Leporacanthicus cf. galaxias(l240) (3 specimens)
19. Leporacanthicus joselimai (2 specimens)
20. Leporacanthicus sp. cf. galaxias`venezuela` (4 specimens)
21. Panaque maccus (6 specimens)
22. Panaque sp. (L204) (2 specimens)
23. Peckoltia sp. (L134) (32 specimens)
24. Rineloricaria sp. (L010A) (2 specimens)
25. Sturisoma aureum (12 specimens)

Or, is there a combination of the above that might work? With such a large tank (in terms of footprint) I would really like to try something I don't have.

Basically, if you were me, what would you do??? :D :lol: :D :thumbsup:
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Re: 8 foot X 24 wide X 12 tall, what would you do?

Post by drpleco »

Maybe one of those big, so-far-unbred, plecos like L25, L128, L14, L273...? Exotic finds has big gold nuggets available, maybe those would be workable?

Or a group of 200's that have been bred, just not that frequently? I have some you could borrow... ;) That's also a great footprint for a stingray breeding project - but I assume you've given up on that dream since you're asking about new plecos?

Is there enough height to do one of those river-tank setups with powerheads on one end connected to PVC inlets on the opposite end? Pop a couple of big rocks to make some back-eddies and you'd have a sweet pleco love shack.
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Re: 8 foot X 24 wide X 12 tall, what would you do?

Post by grokefish »

Go for a Xingu setup, or some big chaetostoma that would be cool in a tank of those dimensions.

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Re: 8 foot X 24 wide X 12 tall, what would you do?

Post by wwg »

I'd go for big plecs rather than small ones because you have the room and it would be easier to keep aneye on them
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Re: 8 foot X 24 wide X 12 tall, what would you do?

Post by Fantasticfins »

I would fill it with juvenile 114's and when they are large enough to sex, give me a trio. You won't have space to breed them all, so you'll have to share with me and Andy when they get big. Just think, they should be large enough to sex by the time he gets back from N.Dakota(or wherever he has to go). ;)
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Re: 8 foot X 24 wide X 12 tall, what would you do?

Post by apistomaster »

I guess I would go against the trends and use the tank for colonies of two species of dwarf fancy Plecos.
Then fill in the space with harmless Tetras, Pencil Fish and cherry shrimp.
Sturisoma and Rhinoloricaria would also fit in.
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Re: 8 foot X 24 wide X 12 tall, what would you do?

Post by andywoolloo »

I'd do a huge syno tank!! with african glass catfish also. Millions of them both!!! ok not millions. :oops: Rocks and slate and driftwood!! And congo tetras too? Can they go with glass cats?
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Re: 8 foot X 24 wide X 12 tall, what would you do?

Post by Richard B »

The first thing that sprang to mind was a sand bottomed tank with a huge shoal of a single species of cory & a massive shoal of cardinals.

Or a load of synodontis brichardi & a big school of congo tetras

Or a group of around 50 p.pictis

However, if it was mine, i'd probably just do a tanganyikan set-up with loads more synos!!!!!
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Re: 8 foot X 24 wide X 12 tall, what would you do?

Post by Birger »

I know this is a South American section but since syno's were mentioned this would be a perfect size river tank for a group of Synodontis brichardi...that is what I would do without a doubt!!

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Re: 8 foot X 24 wide X 12 tall, what would you do?

Post by alga »

WOW!!! What great ideas. I had never thought of going with syno brichardi...... one of my favorites. But, since I am a pleco- head at heart I think I am sticking with them. I heard a great store near me has L-114 and just landed some nice L-14. I think I will use this tank to raise out a couple of groups and see what I end up with. I will drill the tank and add a circulation pump to keep it moving. Maybe even go "non - traditional" and try that group of congo tetra's...also some of my favs.

Thanks to everyone....

I'll post pictures of the progress----

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Re: 8 foot X 24 wide X 12 tall, what would you do?

Post by apistomaster »

Congo Tetras are beautiful but voracious eaters. Some creative methods of delivering the frozen and live foods for the plecos must be assured. Large Congos could eat neotonate plecos, imo.
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Re: 8 foot X 24 wide X 12 tall, what would you do?

Post by alga »

Good thoughts about getting food to the new arrivals. It looks like I will have help this weekend moving and drilling the tank so I should be all set. Thanks again to everyone. And, while I am at it pleco, PLECO, PEE Ell EEE CEE OH.
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