how fast will it grow?

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how fast will it grow?

Post by IndefactorX »

i just recently bought an Albino Channel catfish at a length of 9 & 1/2 inches, i put it in my pond along with 12 feeder fish after feeding it 2 of them, it seems to like the pond alot and has already eatin an entire lenghth of frog eggs that were laid earlier, the pond is roughly 1200 gallons large and it has pleanty of swimming space, how fast can i expect it to grow within the next year, or even the next 3 months ? also, i heard something about albino fish, are all albino's blind or is that only with certain species of fish? and is there a place i could read more up on the subject of albino channel cats
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Post by Silurus »

You can expect growth of at least 4" over the next year. Albino fish aren't blind, they're just more sensitive to light.
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Post by IndefactorX »

ok thanks :)
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