Are BNP's "rare"?

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Are BNP's "rare"?

Post by 2wheelsx2 »

I was just wondering. I have been to LFS's looking for BNP or two for my 125 gallon SA Cichlid tank. I have a 4 inch Gibbey in there now, but he's not doing much with the algae in there. I saw an albino BNP this weekend at a LFS and they want $29 for a 1.5 inch fish! I got my Gibbey for $8. I can understand even $15, but almost $30? FWIW, commons here go for $5 or less if they are under 4 inches or so.
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Post by the_letter_J »

We have common* BN regularly available here (midwest US) usually around $15 ea., I've even seen "tank raised" dwarf BN for $13 ea.. I'm sure some of the different ones can demand a higher price though. I keep hoping to see either of these: or

*common meaning we don't really know the exact sp.
2 - trilinius cory, 1 - Ancistrus sp. (7), 1 - Glyptoperichthys joselimaianus (L001),3 - rubber lip (L187b) & (C. sp. (4)), 1 - (L168), 1 - cory schwartzi, 3 - Ancistrus sp. 3
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Post by 2wheelsx2 » I guess in general they are a little pricier. Guess I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for non-albino ones.
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Post by the_letter_J »

all the ones I've come across have been available as albino for the same price.

2 - trilinius cory, 1 - Ancistrus sp. (7), 1 - Glyptoperichthys joselimaianus (L001),3 - rubber lip (L187b) & (C. sp. (4)), 1 - (L168), 1 - cory schwartzi, 3 - Ancistrus sp. 3
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Post by MatsP »

Hey, I've got some baby bristlenoses, and at those prices I gould probably sell you half a dozen and pay for the shipping to BC... ;-)

I sell my babies at around 1-1.5", and I get 50p (around US$0.75) each (in batches of 20-50 or so - if I were to sell them individually directly, I could certainly get much more!). Bigger specimens run at around 2 pounds for a 2" one. Shop wants about 4 pounds (US$6 or so) for the smaller ones, and 7 pounds for the bigger ones (US $11).

Albinos aren't harder to breed, but they are a little bit more rare. I have two albinos (had a bit of a disaster with a breeding net that I didn't look after well enough, moved a couple to another tank - got whitespot there so that killed them :-( ). I've seen them in another shop than my local, and they were around 3 times more than the brown ones of the same size.

I suspect some shops don't carry them because there's not much money in it (too many people breed them).

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Post by 2wheelsx2 »

Hehe...maybe you can bring some of your babies over when you visit Vancouver next, Mats. :D

Hmmm..must be a UK thing? It's pretty hard to find BNP's around here. I had to ask around on local fish forums and only found two shops with them, and one shop had one,and the other had 4 or 5, and that's about it. Each of them wanted > $30 CDN each for them too.
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Post by Barbie »

Bristlenose plecos sell like wildfire in stores, as long as there's someone working in the store that understands what they are and do. The problem is that there just isn't usually anyone interested enough to find out why paying a few more dollars for bristlenose plecos they see on lists is a good idea ;). I'm a few hours South of you and bristlenose are common around me, but more due to the fact that I worked at an LFS and sold hundreds of them to people and now they're starting to have fry from those spawnings. If you ever get down this way I can definitely get you hooked up. Even a trip to Seattle I might be able to find someone with fry and you can definitely find them in a few different stores in that area, I'm sure!

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Post by 2wheelsx2 »

Thanks, Barbie. I'll have to head down to Bellingham and check out a coupla fish stores.
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Post by drpleco »

I sell my albino babies at 1.5" to the LFS for $3 each in store credit. They turn around and sell them for $6 each. I bring in 8 babies each week and they're almost always sold out when I get there to "restock."

2.5-3" "adults" are harder to find but go for about $20. It just depends on availability. There are always a bunch on aquabid, but few in Canada.

If no one breeds them in the area, it can be profitable. Otherwise, competition will make it unworthwhle. I just do it for the hobby, though (and to save for a 90g african cichlid tank). :)
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Post by Kana3 »

I can get Aus $3 for a 1" common BN, at the Aquarium Outlet (more $ for larger size). But they turn around and flog them off for $18. I get the impression they're not as readily available at the moment.

Here's one I prepared earlier!

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Post by kimmers318 »

Wish the bristlenose were more common around here....I paid $18 a piece for the 2albinos we have. Swallowed rather hard for the first purchase...the second was much easier to handle after seeing what a great job these little guys do!
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Post by Zebrapl3co »

That's a pretty rediculous price for an Albino BN. Maybe if it was a veil tail BN. An albino veil tail might go for up to $35.
Here in Toronto you can get one for around $6 - $8 at that size. I used to breed the normal BNP. But I stop doing it because I have to break my back changing water just to sell them for beans at the store.
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Post by 2wheelsx2 »

I think it's related to location. Here on the west coast (Vancouver), the average going price seems to be $18 for a 2 - 3" BNP. For a veiltail, you're looking at maybe $35 - $40. And in most stores, you might see one, maybe two.

I ended up getting a bulldog pleco and I am happy with my purchase.
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Post by Azmeaiel »

here in Tas, Australia, albino BNP's are rare as hens teeth. you may get someone import one especially for $35-$45 each but that is rare, these only being 1.5". I have seen adult albinos auctioned off at $240 for a pair. Normal ones sell at $10-$20 and are seasonal. I think this is mainly due to our state being a black-spot for quarantine restriction on fish. I recently got a few albinos in to breed, even if they go at 1/4 of the local price I will be laughing. they spawned last night for the first time :D
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Post by christopher »

I just can't believe these prices. I just bought some Long-Fin ABNs at a fish store, they were on the small side about an inch or a little more. They were something like 2 for 18.00, which is kind of cheap but not that cheap. I have bought regular finned ABN for about 10-12 each around here.
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Post by becca »

I was at a LFS last week to order a new tank and they had a few albino bristlenoses. I asked about them since I'd never seen one before and when I learned they eat algae I decided to get one. No price was posted on the tank; I figured $7-8. I was a bit shocked with he/she was $15 (but that didn't stop me!) I came home and searched online and it seems $15 is a pretty decent price; I found them going for up to $30.

This lil guy (or gal) is almost 1.5" from snout to tip of tail and doing a fantastic job! And so fascinating to watch!
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Post by Reginator »

I paid 2â?¬ for a little one a while back..So 18$ sounds a bit painfull :?
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Post by 2wheelsx2 »

I've been reading up on and here on breeding, and am considering getting a LFS to order me a pair and just breed them so I can supply them to the local hobbyist and FS's, they are that rare around here.
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Post by MatsP »

Go for it Gary.

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Post by 2wheelsx2 »

Thanks, Mats. I'm sure I'll have lots of questions for you when I start. My biggest obstacle now is to get the "boss" to approve yet ANOTHER tank. :lol:
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Post by Kana3 »

Azmeaiel wrote:I have seen adult albinos auctioned off at $240 for a pair.
Adults in Melbourne can fetch au$100 ea upwards in the outlets. The long fins really rake it in.
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Post by kimmers318 »

I agree the price was a little ridiculous zebrapl3co, but it was the ONLY store I could find them in, I am restricted to a smaller pleco for space reasons, and although hubby's tank could house a larger pleco we didn't want a tankbuster knocking his rock formations over as it got bigger! The common we have in the 90 gallon moves around so clumsily! The store worker told me they can only get the ancistrus in a couple of times a year, only a couple at a time, thus the higher price. Thankfully I am totally pleased with my purchases and Fugly and Shrek have made wonderful additions to our tanks.
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