Synpdontis/Heat & Salt ich cure. Bad Idea??
Synpdontis/Heat & Salt ich cure. Bad Idea??
Anyone ever tried this before? I have 7 petricola, 4 multies, and 1 Angelicus in a 55gal, all juvies. Theres some ich on one of the larger petricolas. Which sucks because I'm running a UV steralizer. I know 85f is a little over there prefered range, can they tolerate it for a week? Any suggestions or advice will be appreciated.
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I have had great success with a product called Rid-Ich+ by Kordon. The Syno's tolerate it well. I have raised the Temperature to 85 degrees in the past. Make sure you aerate well. If the high temperature and salt is not enough act quickly if the Ich starts to get out of control. It is much harder to cure the Syno's if they are really infested with cysts.
Did you do 85f and rid-ich at the same time? I have rid ich and using it on my salt water tank,.. I'm so sick of waterchanges its not funny.. but i'll trow some in today to minimize the chances of the ich getting worse as i slowly raise the temperature. have two air stones going and gonna use a half dose of rid ich tonight. sound good?
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Old thread but I did the ich thing at half dose with Rid Ich + by Kordon and raised the temp to 82 with my little synos and plecs, and cories. The infestation for not too far along, but it was quickest ich cure I ever had.O_o wrote:Did you do 85f and rid-ich at the same time? I have rid ich and using it on my salt water tank,.. I'm so sick of waterchanges its not funny.. but i'll trow some in today to minimize the chances of the ich getting worse as i slowly raise the temperature. have two air stones going and gonna use a half dose of rid ich tonight. sound good?