Suggested tankmates for thai glass cats??

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Suggested tankmates for thai glass cats??

Post by ruby2509 »

Hi everyone,

I recently got three Glass cats to accompany one of my first ones. :) I have put them into a 70Litre tank which contains 6 Guppies (4 females & 2 males), 2 Sterbai's Corydoras & a Golden Apple Snail. My decor is currently 1 water wisteria, 2 amazon swords and a peice of Mopani wood.
My question is what other fish could I keep with them :?: I only got the three Glass cats 2 days ago, and they seem to have settled. The pH is 6.9 and the ammonia is 0.0 and the temperature is 26.7 celcius. Thanks if anyone can help.
One last thing - can anyone tell me good sites for the keeping of thai glass cats :?: :nerd:
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Post by Silurus »

Harlequin rasboras (Trigonostigma heteromorpha) are a pretty good choice.

Look in the Cat-eLog and search the forums if you want to find more info about your glass cats.
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Post by declan »

i had one glass cat fish and he did well with my young silver shark,knife fish,3 tetras and 5 tiger barbs. he died a year later with a deasese that also killed my tetras and tiger not so sure about having the guppys with tiger barbs,knife fish and Silver Sharks though, after all there are guppies sold in my local pet shop to be fed to these sort of fish :!:
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Post by sharkun »

I kept 4 glass cats in a community tank with a combination of these fish; a small clawed frog, cherry barbs, red-eyed tetras, ghost shrimp, lyretail molly, rosy barb, neon tetras, knight goby, danios, tiger barbs, royal pleco, cory cats, & fancy guppies. They never bothered anyone, once in a while i'd see two of the cats lightly fighting for a short time.

Even for maybe 2 weeks I kept some in a cichlid tank, was just a Rainbow and a convict, but they did fine. Just swimming in place in the middle of the tank about all they ever do.
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Post by Kana3 »

My possibles would include,

Bristlenose Catfish (1),
Otocinclus Catfish (4-5),
Keyhole_Cichlid (pair),
Lemon or, Cochu's Tetra (6-8).
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Post by ruby2509 »

So after about4 or so months, the tank described in my first message has leaked and been successfully thrown out and recycled, while I managed to get another 70L. This time I now have 13 guppies (9 females (1 recently newborn in a breeding net) and 4 males. Now I have 6 glass catfish in the tank and an apple snail along with the guppies. Could I put in some Cories?
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Post by Kana3 »

Yes, by all means!
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Post by medaka »

Some nice Asian catfish would be nice,
maybe some Erethistidae

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