Breeding Syno. Polli

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Breeding Syno. Polli

Post by Rickzfish »

I have acquired a group of 9 adult wild caught Syno.Polli, is there any info on breeding them? Has anyone here successfully kept/bred them? All info would be appreciated. Thanks, Rick :?
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Post by toddnbecka »

8) Use the largest tank possible, provide suitable furnishings, :wink: feed them lots of frozen bloodworms and spirulina flake, :P and cross your fingers. :lol: Good luck. Oh, and praying couldn't hurt either :)
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Post by sidguppy »

I had eggs once, but this species is notoriously difficult in getting to spawn.

due to my inexperience and lack of suitable tanks back then, I lost all the eggs to fungus within 24 hours.

we're talking about the REAL polli here, the brown spotted broadmouthed monsters formerly known as "eurystomus", and NOT the contrasting black, white and ivory marked "polli white" from Zambia?
Valar Morghulis
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Post by Rickzfish »

Yes I am refering to the dark brown with black spots (8"+) Polli.
Are they an egg scatterer like my Petricola?
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Post by Rickzfish »

I have a female that looks ready to burst, still need more info on spawning habits of this fish, help please!
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Post by sidguppy »

They spawn and scatter like petricola; but they tend to use the sand as spawning place more than cracks, caves or plantbushes like petricola does.

separating the sexes for a while seems to help, also sudden changes in temperature.
I've been trying ever since that fish time to spawn them again, so far no's not as easy as petricola, not even close!
mine are very fat too (females) almost bursting, but no spawns yet for 2 years. still searching for that ultimate spawning trigger!
Valar Morghulis
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Post by Rickzfish »

Thanks very much Sid, I will move them to a new tank with sand as substate with some good hiding places. Boy and I thought Petricola was tough enough, well not to spawn, but keeping the fry alive!
Thanks again, Rick
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