Trigon 350 finally set up!

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Trigon 350 finally set up!

Post by Nik_Boyd »

haven't got round to posting here for a while, but I've finally got my Trigon 350 set up after months of talking about it

I know its a bit sparce at the moment (so is my cashflow), that the heater doesn't yet have a guard, etc..etc... but its in one piece and full of water Yay! I'll post more photos as I get more plants, bogwood and hiding places.

So now for stocking. Being that I don't have the £1000+ it would take for me to get a bunch of L46 (yeah, right) so I'm looking into more realistic stocking suggestions. I'm determined to get a bunch of Brochus of some description, probably multiradiatus, just cos their shape makes me smile, but I'm undecided on other bottom dwellers.



I love Golden Nuggets, think they are spectacular creatures, but am aware that they can be very aggresive. Can anyone suggest any similar sized just as specacular fish that I might get?

thanks all!


Ps. if anyone has a bunch of L46's that need a good home... :D
Juwel Rio 180, approx. 48 US Gallon
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Post by laurab5 »

Maybe a royal, or L200 which get to about 8 inches or some of the bigger Peckotlia and Panaque. Why not get some small colorful ones and attempt to breed them.
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Post by pleco_farmer »

If you like nuggets, try a L-177. I think they show better with better margins, plus they stay smaller. As for aggression, I do have a feisty little guy who spent about a month coming to terms with a grapefruit-sized Panaque nigrolineatus. However, they eventually established their "turf" and live together quite happily under a piece of driftwood, rarely more than inches apart. The nuggets just need a safe place to call their own and their bark is much worse than their bite. The real squabbles I've seen are usually between fish of the same species, when much more than a piece of driftwood is at stake.
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Post by MatsP »


Congratulations on the new tank...

I agree with pleco_farmer, L177 is reasonably friendly, although somewhat agressive towards conspecifics [similar species]. It will tell others off, but my are definitely more agressive, both towards each other and other pleco's. Don't bother any of the other fish, including the that I've got. (Except of course if one of them is getting too close to their food... Applies to most fish tho')

Keeping many plecos in the same tank is always a case of making sure there's lots of hiding spaces.

Of course, if you want friendly fish, you could go for something like one of the Sturisoma spp. Especially if you're planning to have a planted tank.

Choosing fish is a case of "what _you_ like". Other people can tell you what they like, but it's your tank. You have what you want.

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Post by Nik_Boyd »

thanks got the suggestions...

I'll have to find out what L number Golden Nugget my LFS stocks.

I also kind of looked into L200's before, and I've seen one in a shop marked L200 that was beautiful, although from colouring I think it was probably an L128. My problem is that to get some of these fish I'd probably have to ored them, and particually like the blue/grey colouring as opposed to the green colour...and I guess I could ask for them to be blue don't know if I could guarantee colouring, I'll check it out with my LFS.

And can anyone provide me with more data on L340/LDA19? can't find much in the cat-e-log.

Juwel Rio 180, approx. 48 US Gallon
Eheim 2128 Thermo Filter
JBL pro 2 Co2 system

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11 Cardinal Tetras
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Post by MatsP »

Nik_Boyd wrote:thanks got the suggestions...

I'll have to find out what L number Golden Nugget my LFS stocks.

I also kind of looked into L200's before, and I've seen one in a shop marked L200 that was beautiful, although from colouring I think it was probably an L128. My problem is that to get some of these fish I'd probably have to ored them, and particually like the blue/grey colouring as opposed to the green colour...and I guess I could ask for them to be blue don't know if I could guarantee colouring, I'll check it out with my LFS.

And can anyone provide me with more data on L340/LDA19? can't find much in the cat-e-log.

L177 is the "big spot" version. If you look at the Gold Nugget Catfish of the month article (I think there's a link from L18/L81), you'll see the difference. I don't _think_ temperament is noticably different for different species, but I've only got L177's, so I can't say for sure.

If you ask your LFS to get some L200, and say that they should be the "blue" variety, I think your LFS should be able to ask the wholesaler/importer to check if they are blue before ordering them. And if they turn out to be green in the shop, then you got every right to say "No, that's not what I wanted". My shop doesn't ask for money before ordering, and I doubt that anyone else does.

L340 is a hypancistrus, and as such is similar to L260, L66 or L333 for instance. Or L46 for that matter. Obviously, it's not THE SAME as, but it's behaviour, feeding and breeding should be similar enough to start off with.

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Post by kev »

Congrat's Nik :D it's took a while but well worth it, the tank look's good :D .

Put me dinner in the oven, im off to the Xingu!!!.
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Post by bronzefry »

Congrats, Nik! I know you waited a long time to get that tank. It'll fill in before you know it. Patience is difficult, but you've waited this long. :wink: It's a lovely tank. Let us know how you're doing!
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Post by Nik_Boyd »

I'm assuming the pics work for everyone else except me? thats usual for some reason when i use imageshack.
Juwel Rio 180, approx. 48 US Gallon
Eheim 2128 Thermo Filter
JBL pro 2 Co2 system

Pinky the Apple Snail
11 Cardinal Tetras
10 Harlequins
2 Bristlenose Cats, 1 male, 1 female
1 Male Crowntail Betta
2 Botia Angelicus
4 Corys, 2 Speckled and 2 Albino
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