Pale peppered cory

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Pale peppered cory

Post by catfishgrrl »

I recently purchased some juvie peppered corys from a breeder online. The group is doing very well.
One of them is rather pale in color (not as many speckles), but the others look great for tank bred peppers.
If I can get a decent pic, I'll post it.
Should I be concerned for my not so colorful cory?
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Post by bronzefry »

Are they Paleatus? If so, Paleatus have a wide variety of colorings.
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Post by catfishgrrl »

Yes they are Paleatus.
Thanks for your reply.
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Light coloration in paleatus

Post by shammonds »

I've got a 20gal tank full of juveniles in my basement right now and I think I know what you're talking about... some of them appear to be very light in comparison to others. I've noticed that the fish I grow out in a tank with light-colored gravel tend to appear lighter in coloration (and their emerald sheen is MUCH more vivid). I've never done the research, but I suspect that this species has the ability to alter its pigment levels during development to better match it's environment.

Can anyone validate this theory?
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