Hypancistrus zebra L46

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Hypancistrus zebra L46

Post by stiffe »

Hello I´m from Sweden :lol: and I´ve finally got my Hypancistrus zebra to make some juveniles :D .But here in Sweden not many seems to know anything about it,so I hope to get some good advice from you.The juveniles is soon losing the eggsack so I need to know how to feed them.Is there someone who knows something please let me know.And if anyone is interested I have some good pictures of the juveniles to mail.
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Post by ClayT101 »

Send me the pics please, I would be very interested. Also, if you have some pics of your aquarium set up, I'd be interested in those too. I have a question about your breeding caves. How are they set up with regard to the current? Also, are your caves flat or inclined/declined? Just click my email below to email me.
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Post by Silverkip »

Perhaps you can post the pictures. So we all can see. You also could right a breeding article!
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Post by Stu »

I've had some recent success in breeding zebras. I just left the baby zebras with the adults, they all seem to look after the youngsters. They spend most of the day in the males cave and venture out at night looking for food. I fed the babies the same as the adults, Frozen Blood worms, Brine Shrimp, Discus Pellets and catfish pellets. After 4 months I moved the youngsters into their own tank to grow them on.
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Post by ClayT101 »

Hey Stu, perhaps you could anwer these questions:

ClayT101 wrote:I have a question about your breeding caves. How are they set up with regard to the current? Also, are your caves flat or inclined/declined?
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Post by Stu »

I use some small terracotta pots, they are shaped like a vase and aout 3 inches long. I found them in a garden centre. The entrance is just big enough for the male to get it and it opens out a bit inside, just enough room for him to turn around in. I have also made a couple of cave with slate and silicone, but I've not tried these yet.

There are a few pots in the tank and the male chose the one facing away from the current.
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Post by Harley »

Stiffe, were in sweden do you live ? Im interested in buying some L046 from you when they get big enough. And i would like to know how you did it !

please mail me at, [email protected]
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Post by polkadot »

Hi, would like to know if you kept any other tankmates with your zebras or is it a soley zebra tank?
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Post by ClayT101 »

Unfortunately I don't think stiffe is here anymore. I would have liked to have seen those pics :(
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Post by Stu »

polkadot wrote:Hi, would like to know if you kept any other tankmates with your zebras or is it a soley zebra tank?
Hi, I did have my zebras in a community tank but they didn't seem interested in breeding there. I moved them to a species tank last year and have manged to get them to breed once in November 2002. I still have 5 youngsters all about 1 1/2 inches, in a growing on tank. Since Nov they have shown signs of breeding, but there has been no fry yet!
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Post by stiffe »

sorry that I not have sent you the photos :oops: ,but I can not mail from here.So if you like to get the photos please mail me insted.
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Post by ClayT101 »

Whats your emal? If you don't want to post it, just click my email link below or :
[email protected]

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Post by stiffe »

I did somthing wrong in my profile so that my e-mail didn´t shows :oops: , but now I´ve fixed it I think :D
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Post by stiffe »

Now finnely I´ve put my pictures of my L46 juveniles on this address http://eheim-uk.com/planetcatfish/galle ... albums.php look for stiffes pleco

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