Sexing Otocinclus

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Sexing Otocinclus

Post by Maarten »

I tried the catelog and the search but nothing came out...

I have 3 Otocinclus in mij 10G tank, one has a noticable smaller tummy than the other 2:


(I'll try to get better pics..)

Otocinclus flexilis' species Information:

Sexing Females are considerably larger than males and fuller in girth.

So the big belly ones should be the females?
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Post by WhitePine »

Sometimes its pretty obvious.


this picture is a few months old... she is even bigger now. Every time I try and put a few males in the tank... they turn out to be females or die.

Cheers, Whitepine
Cheers, Whitepine

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Post by bronzefry »

I noticed sometimes the bellies get big if they've eaten well. I read the article in Shane's World, but does anybody know what the exact breeding behaviors are?

Here's one of the Oto's in the 75 gallon:
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