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What can it be ?

Post by Sescil »

I have fuzzy growths on my driftwood !!! The only inhabitant of the 20 gallon long tank is an L 168, which seems unaffected. All the water parameters check out fine.
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Post by MatsP »

Probably some sort of fungus.

[Assuming it's not brown or green, in which case it's called algae... ;-)]

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Post by Sescil »

Definitely not algae ... I would guess fungus too. I just haven't seen anything like it before.
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Post by bronzefry »

I try to keep a few extra pieces of driftwood on hand and rotate them. I don't wait until they have growths on them. About once every 6-8 weeks, I take out the ones without any plants attached and stick them in a 5 gallon bucket with boiling water. Place some kind of a lid on top and leave it overnight. Then, scrub it the next day. I don't use any chemicals of any kind, since there are fish that will be eating it! I had one piece of driftwood that was thoroughly disgusting from the outset. Since that piece, I've been pre-boiling them before they go into the tank. This seems to work well.
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