skunk (arcuatus) cory info/care and tips pls.

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skunk (arcuatus) cory info/care and tips pls.

Post by squid »


i'm planning to get 5- 6 of them,
are they harder to care for than other cories?
or do trhey require the same care?
how about breeding them?
any tips? thanks.
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Post by sirbooks »

I've read that these cories are more sensitive to nitrates than other cories, and are a little less hardy. With that having been said, you shouldn't have any problems with them as long as you control your nitrate levels through water changes and careful tank maintenance.

The skunk cories are supposedly tough to breed, I can't help you there.
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Post by squid »

sirbooks wrote:I've read that these cories are more sensitive to nitrates than other cories, and are a little less hardy. With that having been said, you shouldn't have any problems with them as long as you control your nitrate levels through water changes and careful tank maintenance.

The skunk cories are supposedly tough to breed, I can't help you there.

i'm dosing mytank with kno3 right now..
will have to makew sure the nitrate is not too high :)
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Post by corybreed »


Corydoras arcuatus are not difficult to keep and require no special care. In the states they were onces a very common site in local pet stores. Today they are not regularly available. Ian has bred arcuatus at 68 degrees with a pH 0f 7.4. I have have been working with C. super arcuatus but have not been successful yet.

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Post by squid »

corybreed wrote:squid,

Corydoras arcuatus are not difficult to keep and require no special care. In the states they were onces a very common site in local pet stores. Today they are not regularly available. Ian has bred arcuatus at 68 degrees with a pH 0f 7.4. I have have been working with C. super arcuatus but have not been successful yet.

i'm hoping to be able to breed them..
though i haven't had success with any of my cories yet :(
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Post by andyj »

Hi guys,

I've just aquired 7 of these little guys :) They're about 35mm long.

Am currently researching them, and would love any hints/tips etc you guys can give me !!

They're currently in a 120L tank, with a fine gravel substrate, some mopani bog wood, and some PVC breeding tubes I'd previously used for Bristlenose Plecs.

Anything else I need to add to the tank?

I'm going to order a lot of plants in the next week, as both my tanks need some vegitation in them!


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Re: skunk (arcuatus) cory info/care and tips pls.

Post by Starsky »

squid wrote:hi,

i'm planning to get 5- 6 of them,
are they harder to care for than other cories?
or do trhey require the same care?
how about breeding them?
any tips? thanks.
Hi! :) may i ask where you're getting the skunk cories? Might get some myself. :D
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Post by laurab5 »

I have recently bought some Arcuatus. Never heard them called as skunk cories, just arched cories. Mine are very active, swimming through the plants and up and down the tanks sides. I got mine for $3.00.
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