It's been almost two years...... (kind of long)

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It's been almost two years...... (kind of long)

Post by Sillyfish »

'ello all!

well, i've gotten back into catfish! well, i did about two months ago anyway hehe so...about two years ago i happened upon this forum and lurked/read up on various species, the Raphael's caught my attention, as well as the pictus cats. i know....some people think of them as "amateur" fish, but i love them.

back in 2004 i posted on this site about general information on them...where i recieved much information. the original pictus i had has now passed, though he did reach adult size, he died of unknown causes along with the rest of my tank inhabitants...that was an odd few months (parameters were fine, still can't figure it out). i wasn't able to get those raphaels i wanted so badly, no petstore i went to would order them or had them in stock, so i eventaully gave up that search

but...about two months ago i walked into a different Big Al's than i normally go to, and they had some new teeny baby pictus cats, barely half an inch! so of course i bought two :D one of them died soon after from severe ich, the other was never affected though thank goodness. i had this little guy alone in the 18 gallon up until two and a half weeks ago...well you see, i RE-happened across this site and renewed my drive to get a raphael. AND now that i i have a part time job at my local mom and pop pet store, so.....i ordered myself some raphaels....ha! i got two slendidly healthy specimens :D i'm not sure from where though...but i can look it up when i go back into work (my superior did the final order). so now, i've got my two Spotted Raphaels (both are a little over 2") and my spotted pim cat in my 18gallon...and yes i realise it's a smidgen small at the moment, but i've got hiding spaces for each and more, plus i've quite vigilant with my tank maintanince. so... that's my catfish history anywho...

but....i guess i should re-introduce myself as well, since it's been so long! I'm a highschool student in a small town in southern Ontario, Canada. i'm obsessed with all things life and nature (i'm hoping to one day be an ichtheologist actually, aquatic life fascinates me beyond imagination). i not only hav emy three catfish, but i also have my three fancies outside in their 160g tub, and my 29gallon snail tank! i've got 18 snails altogether, all of the "apple" snail variety, mostly canas, though a few brigs, and one marisa. I'm not going to list the rest of my zoo lol but i'll summarize. i've got dogs, cats, guinea pigs, and rabbits added to my aquatic creatures :D .

i've posted some pictures as well so you can get an idea of my tanks and creatures in them :D.

my catfish tank is the only one i put any sort of effort into making look nice. the snails prefer open spaces with minimul clutter, as to the goldfish outside (they've got plenty to play in with the water lettuce roots floating around anyway hehe)

Catfish tank:

I JUST did this today, before this all the tank consisted of were a bunch of terra cotta pots, and a plastic log. ehh not very attractive. the cats seem to have taken to the change fairly well though.


a closer look at the driftwood/beach rock cave



(the purple shell in the background is one of a snail that has since past, i don't throw out the shells)

during the redecorating i had the cats out in my waterchange bucket... good photo opp!


(this was taken when i first got him, i have yet to take more recent photos of him, though he isn't shy at all, so it won't be too hard)

(i hate how thin they look from the petstores, he's nice a plump now though!)

Snail Tank:

this was taken two days ago, as if you were to see it now there would be four bright pink egg clutches along the front of the tank haha these things just won't second largest female is laying her third one today right now haha little bugger...


and the goldfish tub is a mess right now, so no pictures, perhaps later when the green water has cleared and you are able to see more than two inches down!

comments and questions are welcome :D i miss lurking around these forums and i'm bound to have some questions that are begging to be answered.

"see" you all around the forums!

- Adrian
"Why are you down there when I'm up here?" -Quack, Peep in the Big Wide World :D ... Sillyfish/
Feel free to browse my photo gallery and my photography account!
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Spotted: 187
Location 1: North of Cambridge
Location 2: England.

Post by MatsP »

Welcome (back) to Planet Catfish, and thanks for sharing your tank/fish pictures.

Posts: 12
Joined: 24 Aug 2004, 00:30
Location 1: Canada Ontario
Interests: anything nature, photography, drawing, reading, and the usual teenage interest

Post by Sillyfish »

no problem and thanks for the welcome :D

- Adrian
"Why are you down there when I'm up here?" -Quack, Peep in the Big Wide World :D ... Sillyfish/
Feel free to browse my photo gallery and my photography account!
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