I have recently purchased two fish I believe to be L052. All has gone well with acclimatising, they both began eating right away, although one is a little skinnier than I would like. They are both in a 60 gal tank, heavily planted, containing a lot of driftwood and large rocks. Both seem quite active day and night. They are approx 7cm and 9cm, one has a slightly pointed head, the other has a broader head, larger eyes (this may be because it is in better condition though, the eyes look slightly sunken on the smaller one). no real difference in cheek or fin odontotes as yet. Water is ph around 7, creeps down at night to around 6.8.
At what time might I be able to try and sex these fish?
what are good conditions/environment. The tank was set up for bristlenose ancistrus who bred well, conditions are being kept the same for L052.
what would be a good sized colony to start with?
any other information would be appreciated. The next shipment of these fish is supposedly coming from germany. can I expect to get some more L052 from this shipment? We seem to get a mixed bag every time 'peckolita pulcher' gets imported into this country