135 US gallon

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135 US gallon

Post by funkyj1313 »

As some of you might know, I have recently acquired a 135 US gallon tank. I have a few questions about setup.

I need 300w worth of heater. It/they will be titanium. Should I go with (1) 300w or (2) 150w heaters?

I really want to do an amazon biotope with lots, if not all live plants. If I do this I have to use sand and can't use an undergravel filter. Since I have so many fish (mostly plecos, a.k.a. poo factories) I am debating the filtration setup. I want to do (2) magnum 350's, (2) emperor 400's and 3 powerhead 50's. Should I do an undergravel filter with the powerheads (no sand) or do the quick filters( http://www.marinedepot.com/md_viewItem. ... ct=HG10575 ) on the powerheads with sand?
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Post by eupterus »

I always prefer 2 smaller heatersw toward the one. The reasons are two fold. If the thermostat sticks on you have twice the time to detect the problem before you lose all your fish ( I learnt this the hard way.) Also if one breaks the second can maintain temp for you. Another reason is you will get a more even temperature spread IMO

I hope this helps

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Post by funkyj1313 »

It helps a bunch. Thank you.
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Post by blueguava »

I agree a high wattage heater will "cook" a tank very quickly if it fails on. I either use 1 smaller one or in my bigger tanks 2 smaller ones, one at each end of the tank.

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