Lost these guys from an outbreak of fungus.

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Lost these guys from an outbreak of fungus.

Post by T »

Also a small royal(not pitured).

I'm not quite sure what happened.I first noticed one of my smaller cichlids swimming a bit funny(nose down)and I had "Interpet Swim Bladder Treatment"anyway so after checking it was safe with all fish I added a dose.about this time I had noticed my royal looking really skinny so I moved him to another tank but he was dead the next morning.A few days later I noticed some of my larger cichlids looking a bit tatty.One had stringy fungus all over the back part of its body and the others had lumps of white slimey/cottony fungus on various parts of their body.My pl*cos were also looking a bit worse for wear with stringy fungus round their gills and on their body.The vampire and pekoltia were in the top corners of the tank and the cactus sitting in full view(never a good thing).After a waterchange I began treating with esha 2000 for fungus and initially the fish seemed to do better with the majority of fungus dissapearing.The pl*cos still seemed in distress though.After treating for the required time I did a waterchange and apart from the pl*cos everything went back to normal.Then a day or so later the fungus came back with a vengence.The cactus was the first of the 3 pitured to go.I then began treating with a combination of marycin and maroxyl but it was too late for the vampire and pekoltia which died the next day.The only pl*co to survive in there is a small female bristlenose who never seemed as bad as the others but since treating with the maracin and maroxyl has made a full recovery.Right now the treatment is still going but the fish seem to be doing well with only one of my cichlids still haveing small patches of fungus.Again im totally stumped as to what happened, the whole time my ghost knife and clown loaches were fine too.

Leopard Red Fin Cactus
Pekolita sp.
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Post by MatsP »

Sorry to hear about your loss... I'm not sure what the cause is, but plecos are sensitive to certain types of medications...

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Post by bronzefry »

I'm very sorry for you're losses, T. Where there any temperature or pH changes that happened in the tank? I've noticed that sometimes this can bring on a sudden illness. I had a prolonged electricity outage this past winter when it was extremely cold out. It brought about a 10 degree F.drop in temperature in less than 24 hours. An Aeneus Cory broke out with a fungus overnight on his dorsal fin. For me, this brought home the importance of consistancy in water quality. I thought the tanks looked really clean(nicely vaccuumed,weekly water changes) and the water readings were really good. Apparently, not good enough(he's doing better now). I guess there are some readings we can't take, like what illnesses are lying dormant. How I wish we could test for that.
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