Large Pl*co handling.

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Large Pl*co handling.

Post by Phathead6669 »

As most of us here know pl*cos and nets don't mesh together nicely. So today I was moving all my fish from their old 40G to their new 75G tank and everything went pretty good.

My question is. When I went to grab my Albino Common he pushed his side fins out while I was picking him up and little puff of blood came out of him. It dissolved quickly and I decided to us a 2L juice jug to get him in the new tank.(For anybody with trouble moving their pl*cos the 2L juice jug work extremely well.)

Has anybody had this happen to their pl*co before? And should I be worried, very worried, extremly worried, or just act like it never happened?

It didn't look like it hurt him to much and he seems to be fine in the new tank. I'm just a little curious to see if anybody else has had this happen and if their pl*co was fine after.

Thanks for the help, I probably won't get to check this until later tonight.

I added stress coat to the tank after the fish went in.
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Post by blueguava »

I catch my big Pl*cos by hand as I have seen those bristles on the sides of their head ripped out by using nets. That said I don't think you will have any major problems if you can't see any visable damage

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Post by biomechmonster »

I don't know about the blood but if the pleco seems ok, I wouldn't worry.

I use a small bucket with a wet towel over the top to move my plecos. I steer them into the bucket then put the towel over. It works with my 17" gibbiceps!

But that said, moving jumbo plecos is not something I care to do often :razz:
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Post by Phathead6669 »

Just an update. The pl*co seems fine. No visible signs of any problems, physical and behavioural. :)

Just to clear any question the blood came for his "armpit".
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